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13 Reasons Why Electric Cars Are a No Go

Source: Shutterstock / Flickr/Marco Verch

Who doesn’t think that the features on an electric car are cool, I mean if you own certain Tesla models you can call your car to come to where you are standing! No denying they are powerful, highly sought after rides, but what if you want something sturdy and more reliable? Are electric cars really a practical and reliable option? They could be sometime in the future, but right now may not be the best time to run out and purchase an electric car. Here are 13 reasons why Americans think electric cars just aren’t the way to go.

The Cost Of Home Charging

Most people’s eyes light up when they see how much cheaper it is to charge your car than it is to fill the tank.

Source: Unsplash/Evnex Ltd

However, not everyone takes into consideration the cost to buy and install a home charging port for their home, usually this cost is somewhere around $1,000 for the charger and $500-$1,300 for installation.

Insufficient Public Charging Stations

There is no denying that the infrastructure in America for electric car charging stations needs to be better.

Source: Unsplash/Michael Fousert

With political administrations, specifically the Biden administration, agreeing to spend $500 billion on improving public charging stations and the production of electric cars it is possible that this issue may be remedied sometime in the near future.

Used Electric Cars Don’t Exist

When you go to look for a used car, do many electric car options pop up? I haven’t, and here are the reasons why. Electric car technology phases out when the new technology phases in, kind of like the new vs old Iphone options..

Source: Shutterstock/Alfa Photostudio

Reason number two is that also like an Iphone the batteries on electric cars wear out! But Instead spending $50 to replace a phone battery you will be spending somewhere between $4,000 to $20,000 to replace the battery of your EV.

Electric Cars Are Expensive

The median price for a new electric car is about $67,000, that is a lot of money to spend on a car.

Source: Unsplash/Alexander MIls

Luckily, Volvo and Kia have announced they will be releasing some more affordable options in 2024. Hopefully the cost of these cars will level out as time passes.

Fear Of Running Out Of Battery

The truth is that electric cars are a new technology, and with that comes a certain level of anxiety for the consumer. Many people who own these cars are scared they might run out of battery before reaching the next charging station, honestly I don’t blame them.

Source: Shutterstock/Andrii Iemelianenko

When you run out of gas you can just call a friend or AAA, but what happens if you run out of charge? Your option, an electric battery pack or just don’t allow your battery to run low.

People Are Skeptical About EV’s Power

Some people may think that electric cars don’t compare to a traditional vehicle in the way of performance. What many don’t know is that EV’s offer instant torque and smooth acceleration.

Source: Unsplash/Samuele Errico Piccarini

Regardless, many people still remain skeptical about electric cars’ driving abilities.

Limited Model Options

In 2023 there were only 40 electric model options to choose from in the U.S. Your options dwindle even more if you want an electric pickup or SUV.

Source: Unsplash/Tom Nora

There will be more options as technology continues to advance and the efficiency of these vehicles improves, but for now there just aren’t that many options for consumers. If you are particular about your cars, the EV’s may not be the right choice for you at this time.

Electric Cars Aren’t Better For The Environment

Many people disagree with the headline’s claims that electric cars are better for the environment. Data has recently been released about the tire pollution of electric cars, and it was shocking to some to say the least.

Source: Shutterstock/Owlie Productions

Are you aware that electric cars produce 20% more tire pollution than a gas-powered vehicle? Did you know EVs produce 20% more tire pollution than gas-powered cars? Exhaust pollutants aren’t the only thing to consider when evaluating what can help create a healthier planet.

Limitations Of Charging At Home

You may not have a home installation option for your charger if you live in an apartment or duplex.

Source: Tesla

In this case you would be heavily reliant on public charging stations or possibly charging options at your place of employment. This can be a bit of a nuisance for the consumer.

Degrading Batteries

Another concern to take into consideration is that electric car batteries have a lot of improving to do before they can last a significant amount of time. The truth is that EV batteries haven’t been around long enough for us to evaluate their longevity..

Source: Shutterstock/Phonlamai Photo

For now the batteries have been built to last anywhere from 10 to 15 years, and then you will need to replace them. This is going to run you about $20,000, and some think you might as well just buy a new car at that point.

Lack Of Education

One of the main reasons Americans don’t want to purchase an electric car is because they haven’t had the education on how they work, or what it takes to maintain them or fix them if they break down.

Source: Adobe Stock/prostooleh

This lack of information can lead to false understandings about reliability, safety and overall environmental impact of these vehicles. As electric cars become more common, the hope is that people will better understand how they work and will be more accepting of them as a vehicle option.

The Strain On Infrastructure

Some have voiced concern about electric cars potential impact on our power grids, specifically during peak charging times.

Source: Shutterstock/Markopolo

Bringing some consumers to worry about the impact on electricity supplies and reliability of charging stations once you are on the road. Unfortunately there isn’t a way to predict this, it’s more a wait and see kind of thing.

Mechanics For Electric Cars

One of the main concerns in terms of owning an electric car is mechanic availability. How many people actually know how to work on these types of vehicles? As time passes and they continue to grow in popularity, so will the access to professionals in the industry.

Source: Adobe Stock/microstock77

Until that time comes it’s completely understandable why Americans are a bit leery about purchasing a vehicle they may not be able to figure out how to fix or maintain.

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Athena Hallet

Written by Athena Hallet

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