
18 Reasons Why People Quit Being Christians

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Exploring the complexities of belief systems and faith has significance for many Americans, particularly for those that find themselves struggling with the idea of Christianity. As a personal journey for many, the points that follow mention 18 reasons why people have stopped being Christians.

Negative Encounters With Religious Institutions

Many times the negative experiences people have with religious institutions will lead towards not pursuing religion.

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Instances of unfair treatment, deceit, mistreatment, and scandals often result in disillusionment and disengagement from practices of faith.

The Conflicts Between Faith And Science

Many Americans grapple with the conflicts between science based evidence and biblical beliefs.

Source: Facebook/State Darwin Museum

Concepts like evolution, the earth’s age, and the Big Bang theory all exacerbate the discord of those searching for evidence and rational explanations for the world that they exist in.

The Mystery Of Evil And Suffrage

The age-old question of why a loving and omnipotent God would allow suffering, evil doings, and injustice in our world raises questions for many.

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This philosophical dilemma frequently fosters doubt, which can often end with some people leaving Christianity.

The Influence Of Secularism

The connections between fundamental human principles and political secularism discuss the increase in the influence of secularism and the prioritization of humanistic values.

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The European Journal of Political Research goes over how this could influence individuals to deviate from their traditional religious values.

Intellectual Doubts And Inquiries

In Jim Davis and Graham Michael’s book titled “The Great Dechurching,” over 40 million Americans stopped going to church, in “the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history.”

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Teaching that promotes questions, independent thought, and constructive debate often contributes to individuals leaving Christianity. More people in this day and age follow a belief system that is rooted in evidence, and when this isn’t up to snuff, it gives them doubts that can deter them from this religion.

Encounters With Diverse Interfaith And Multicultural Perspectives

Encountering a variety of cultures and religions can widen a person’s worldview, steering them to question and reevaluate their religious beliefs.

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As a result of this exploration many may make the shift away from Christianity and more towards other faiths or even a more secular perspective.

Wanting Freedom

Christianity can often come with a certain set of rules that it follows,

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it can feel very authoritarian, and more individuals are staying far away from anything that restricts their freedoms in any way.

Feeling Disconnected And Lacking Belonging

Segregation is common in many churches, and some attendees of the church are favored over the others, leading to people outside of that circle feeling unwelcome.

Source: Unsplash/Karl Fredrickson

This leads to a feeling of disconnect among these establishments, and the community as a whole can trigger feelings of isolation. When this sense of belonging fades, it is possible that they may start steering away from their faith.

Shifts In Culture And Society

Matters such as abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, and gender equality are continuously changing and butting heads with what Christianity teaches.

Source: Unsplash/Jakayla Toney

People who live by and practice these values may consequently end up feeling alienated by religious communities, as a result of this they may just feel it’s best to not be associated with this religion.

Striving For An Authentic Experience In Their Spirituality

Many individuals pursue authenticity in the spiritual groups they join. This exploration may prompt them to search out alternative paths that are outside of this religion.

Source: Unsplash/Edward Cisneros

This often entails departure from Christianity in a pursuit for a path that resonates more authentically with them.

The Impact Of Family Dynamics

Family dynamics, such as upbringing in an unconventional environment or interfaith marriages,

Source: Unsplash/Jimmy Dean

Combined with peer influence, can significantly shape someone’s religious adherence and identity toward Christian beliefs.

Political And Social Concerns

When institutions like churches adopt positions on social and political matters that contradict with an individual’s personal beliefs,

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it can foster a discord between them and their faith.

Changing Personal Convictions

As individuals go through life experiences and personal growth, their beliefs also evolve. This journey of self-discovery and natural shift in worldview can also steer people away from Christianity.

Source: Unsplash/Aaron Burden

Author of “Faith After Doubt,” Brian McLaren says, “You’re setting up people for dishonesty… because in order to maintain their identity in the community, they have to keep saying they believe things that are harder and harder for them to believe.”

Engaging With Inclusivity

There are instances where people feel that Christianity doesn’t inclusively accept people from different races, sexual orientations, or backgrounds.

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This oftentime can be a deterrent, and cause many to search out new communities that are more spiritual or secular.

Searching For Community

People have an innate need for a community experience that prioritizes social action, meditation practices, or tangible spiritual encounters.

Source: Unsplash/Hannah Busing

Such yearnings can lead someone to distance themselves from the church.

Media Influence And Information Overload

Media proliferation allows people to have access to a wide range of information and diverse viewpoints.

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This exposure prompts and encourages the exploration of alternative viewpoints.

Questioning The Nature Of God

Contemplating on the attributes associated with God in Christianity, like being powerful and all encompassing love,

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Can provoke questions and doubts, especially when someone considers personal or worldly tragedies.

Changing Life Priorities

Life circumstances frequently change, causing people to reassess their priorities and values.

Source: Unsplash/Karl Fredrickson

Because of this, religion may evolve in their life, including a sudden leave from the Christian religion.

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Athena Hallet

Written by Athena Hallet

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