
20 Things Millennials Are Phasing Out: From Physical Maps to Traditional Office Spaces

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Millennials have redefined many traditions and substituted many old practices to pave the way to today’s modern world. Are you curious to know more about the things we’re letting go of because Millennials have chosen to do so? Settle in, and grab some snacks, as the following article walks you through the crazy list of 20 things millennials won’t buy!

Physical Maps:

To start off our list we’ll talk about physical maps. Honestly, millennials no longer use those complex paper maps to find their way around the streets. Those days of struggling to find locations on intricate paper that looks more like a puzzle are far gone. Thanks to the invention of GPS! Which is now accessible from the convenience of our smartphones.

Source: Freepik/nomadsoul1

Although, still some parks and resorts hand us a map of their area’s location. But, truth be told, it usually ends up as a souvenir. Rather than a guide we can use or would like to buy. Who needs a paper map when Siri is all set to guide you wherever you go, right?

Landline Phones:

Once a must-have in every home, landline phones are now gathering dust in the corner. Millennials have abandoned the cords for the mobility of smartphones. Why be tied down when you can remain mobile and connected, right?

Source: Adobe Stock

Plus, it’s not just about calls, smartphones offer a world of convenience at a fraction of the cost. According to a survey by AARP, more than 83% of adults reported embracing the convenience of smartphones already by abandoning landlines.

Cable TV:

At number 3 on our list is traditional cable TV. Millennials are shifting to streaming services like Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Max instead of traditional cable TV. The convenience and personalized content of these platforms have only led to a decline in subscriptions.

Source: Adobe Stock

According to a study by Ampere Analysis, this shift resulted in a 35% drop in cable subscribers, from 100.5 million in 2014 to 65 million in 2022.

CDs and DVDs:

Remember the days when every home had shelves full of CDs and DVDs? CDs and DVDs, once the stars of entertainment, are now stuck in boxes.

Source: Pexels/imustbedead

They are now nostalgic reminders of a bygone era, as we simply click on our devices to find all the songs and movies we want to watch. Since CDs and DVDs have no function in today’s world, millennials have moved past them and preserved them as nostalgic time capsules.

Alarm Clocks:

Why invest in a separate alarm clock when your smartphone can wake you up outright with the tune you set? Millennials have completely moved past the standalone alarm clock and it’s rarely found on the market anymore.

Source: Pexels/Anastasiya

Although, let’s admit that we Millennials miss the quirky dancing bird alarm! A nostalgic wake-up call that Gen Z might not even know existed!

Traditional Office Space:

The 9-to-5 office setup is slowly losing its appeal among millennials. Instead, the generation is turning to remote workplaces, a trend that got a big boost during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: Adobe Stock

The world has seen that technology allows us to do most of our work from anywhere. Also, it saves money by not having to manage a fixed office location besides ensuring employees work from the comfort of their homes.

Expensive Dinner Sets:

The tradition of showcasing fancy dinner sets to guests has become a thing of the past for Millennials. They have adopted a more casual dining culture, preferring the convenience of disposable utensils.

Source: Facebook/Sea Interior Design

When the occasion calls for formality, the millennial approach is to spend the night at a proper restaurant. The era of obligatory formal dinner settings is over, making purchasing expensive dinner sets a low priority.

Greeting Cards:

In the age of digital communication, Millennials have moved their greeting game online. The prevailing trend is to extend well-wishes on occasions through social media platforms, allowing not only the intended recipient but also their wider social circle to join the celebration.

Source: missglambride

As the practice gained momentum over the years, the appeal of handing out physical greeting cards in person waned. The once-cherished tradition has been transformed into a quaint relic of the past.

Newspapers and Magazines:

Print publications are losing their ground as millennials are increasingly relying on online sources for their news updates. The days of flipping through physical newspapers and magazines are waning, with the accessibility of real-time news at the click of a button.

Source: Adobe Stock

The era of waiting for tomorrow morning’s newspaper delivery is over because by then the news is already known. A study conducted by NORTHWESTERN NOW predicts a significant decline, estimating that one-third of US newspapers will disappear by 2024.

Expensive Weddings:

If not all, a large portion of millennials are opting for an intimate and budget-friendly wedding ceremony over an extravagant one. The hype of expensive weddings is gone. Rather the focus is now more on creating meaningful experiences.

Source: theguardian

However, not only the couple’s preference but also the pandemic and social distancing played a role in this choice. Research done by CNBC reveals a shift in the average wedding cost dropping by $10,000 between 2019 and 2023.

Skinny Jeans:

The once-popular skinny jeans are now out of fashion. Millennials, who once used to be avid fans of tight-fitting styles, are now switching to more comfortable clothing options. Not only millennials but even Gen Z are also choosing more breathable and loose outfits.

Source: Udaay Sikder

When you go out next time, look around you’ll find people of all ages and genders are roaming around wearing oversized tees and baggy pants. We completely understand why millennials have stopped spending on these squeezing wear options, I hope now you do too.

Fabric Softener:

Millennials are also abandoning fabric softeners. As you might know, many fabric softeners contain chemicals that are seriously harmful to health. Those can also cause air and water pollution. Thus, respecting their commitment towards a better world, millennials are switching to more sustainable laundry practices.

Source: Udaay Sikder

We believe the era of overpriced fabric softeners will no longer last because millennials won’t buy them anymore. This shift in spending is not only saving money but also contributing to a healthier environment for generations to come. Definitely a double benefit!

Bottled Water:

Speaking of millennials’ commitment towards a better world brings us to another item that this generation is abandoning for environmental and health considerations. And, that is single-use plastic bottled water.

Source: Adobe Stock

Millennials are switching these with reusable options such as glass, steel, or unlined aluminum mugs/bottles. The alternatives we’ve mentioned are safe compared to plastic bottles. This change is also positively reducing the percentage of plastic waste as well.

Plastic Food Containers:

To continue the fight against single-use plastic, millennials are walking extra miles. They are also turning away from plastic food containers and choosing more sustainable, biodegradable, and FDA-approved options instead.

Source: Adobe Stock

This small change in our lifestyle ensures that both human health and the environment around us remain safe. If you were not aware of this before, we hope from today onwards you’ll also join the movement for the sake of your responsibility toward the world.

Traditional Work Attire:

Millennials are all about comfort. They are willing to break any stereotype to achieve comfort in daily life. Thanks to their attitude that only makes the world a better place for us. Whether you know it or not, traditional work attire has historically adhered to strict rules and this rule has been followed for hundreds of years. It’s the courage of millennials that they stepped up to write new rules on how we dress at work.

Source: kurir

They are promoting more comfortable and versatile clothing options to ensure comfort for people of all colors and choices. Traditional suits are no longer a must-have for formal events. We have to give millennials a shout-out for successfully breaking free from traditional work dress codes.

Traditional Razors:

The millennials have also brought a change in the approach to personal care. They’ve stopped spending on traditional razors and choosing more efficient, gentle, and customizable grooming options.

Source: misskursovie2013 / pixabay

After wax beans, most houses nowadays have either depilatories, or epilators, or trimmers for their grooming sessions. You might be also familiar with laser hair removal as this has grown in huge popularity lately. Honestly, it’s a grooming revolution that goes beyond blades and gives you the flexibility and comfort of not having to shave every other day.

Traditional Taxi Services:

We are all familiar with rideshare apps, aren’t we? It’s safe to say that practically every millennial has either the Uber or Lyft app installed on their phones. The convenience of rideshare services, coupled with their affordability compared to traditional taxis, has led millennials to abandon the old-fashioned taxi experience.

Source: Tim Samuel / Pexels

According to a survey by Travel Data Daily, almost 70% of millennials now prefer using Uber for their travel needs. We can easily foresee that the era of hailing a cab from the curb is becoming a thing of the past.

Traditional Wedding Venues:

There was a time when marriages took place only in certain places. Like other rituals, millennials brought a change in this practice too. Due to their experimental spirit, they are preferring destination weddings over traditional venues.

Source: Miriam Salgado / Pexels

Millennials are choosing unusual and unconventional locations that no one ever imagined before as a location to get married. Other than super adventurous couples, generally couples are now choosing beaches or mountains for tying knots. The focus is on giving the couple’s special day a personalized touch and creating moments that have special value for them.

Traditional Education Paths:

Breaking away from conventional university routes, Millennials are now prioritizing online courses and alternative education paths. Their focus is more on acquiring knowledge and practical skills flexibly as well as affordably.

Source: Adobe Stock

This shift is incredibly empowering the new generation and helping them in turning their career dream true. Notably, due to this significant shift in the educational sector, even job recruiters now prioritize practical work experience over traditional grade reports.

High-Maintenance Fashion:

Millennials have left no platform untouched to prove their commitment to creating a better world. High-maintenance fashion is a trap that was consuming us by putting so many wardrobe restrictions in our way.

Source: Adobe Stock

We’re happy to say that what was once considered embarrassing (reusing and recycling outfits) is now the trend, thanks to millennials. Although at certain points they were also encouraging the trend of donning new outfits for every occasion, thankfully they are now leading the quest to break free from this fashion headache.

Traditional Bookstores:

Honestly, the blame doesn’t go to millennials. Rather it’s the flexibility of reading books right from our smartphones that has taken away our reasons for visiting traditional bookstores.

Source: Ksenia Chernaya / Pexels

The silver lining is that this digitization of books aligns with our concern for the environment by reducing paper usage. According to a statistic posted by Good E-Reader, a 3.7% increase in US eBook sales in January 2023, hopefully, it’s a good start to save trees.

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James Stafford

Written by James Stafford

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