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Atlantic Ocean May Collapse, Europe May Face Major Cooling, Study Projects

Source: Shutterstock

A new study has projected that the Atlantic Ocean may encounter a historic transformation in the future. The report claims that the oceanic system, which plays an integral role in climate regulation, may collapse.

What Exactly Is The AMOC?

A term that is thrown around a lot when it comes to climate change and oceanic system discussions and debates is “AMOC.” “AMOC” stands for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. This is the system responsible for circulating the water found within the Atlantic Ocean.

Source: Pixabay/Elias

According to a new study, the AMOC system is in danger. If the research is correct, this system may be heading towards a tipping point.

The Impact Of Climate Change On The AMOC

By design, the AMOC pushes cooler water towards the south while pulling warmer water to the north. It has played a major role in the ecosystem of the planet.

Source: Wikimedia Commons/European Union

More specifically, the proper functioning of the AMOC is essentially when it comes to the temperatures noticed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The lasting impact of climate change could force that system to transform – especially when you consider the potential damage that global warming could have on an international scale.

How This Change Would Affect The Northern Hemisphere

The study claims that the Northern Hemisphere would suffer a dramatic cooling if the oceanic system collapsed. This research was conducted and then recently published as a study by a team of experts from Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Donald Trung Quoc Don

The journal Science Advances confirms that the experts developed a mathematical model which focused on analyzing the lasting impact of climate change on the overall Atlantic oceanic system. According to the study, the collapse would likely be caused by the system reaching its breaking point after enduring years of nonstop pressure applied by climate change.

Why This Study Raises Concerns About Europe

Apparently, the study was able to pinpoint exactly which parts of the Northern Hemisphere would be affected by this collapsed system the most. The entire hemisphere would experience a significant cooling in temperatures, according to the published results.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

However, if the projections are accurate, then Europe would experience the most substantial declines in temperature. One report claims that the temperatures throughout Europe could possibly drop as much as three degrees Celsius every ten years.

The Route Towards A System Collapse Is Not ‘Going To Happen Imminently

It is true that the study findings may raise a lot of anxiety and concern. This is especially when you consider the decades-long campaigning and announcements made regarding climate change and global warming.

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Takver

However, experts agree that this is not going to occur in the near future. Andrew Watson, a University of Exeter professor, stated that it is important to remember that “this is not the same as saying collapse is going to happen imminently.”

How Much Time Could Possibly Remain Before A System Collapse?

Watson referred to the mathematical model created the experts that published the study when discussing the projected timeline in his own published statement. According to Watson, the experts have to run this model for an extended period of 1,700 years.

Source: Pixabay/Mario Aranda

In addition, the model must be pushed “quite hard to make the collapse happen.” Even if the model and the study findings are assumed to be accurate, Watson explains that the route towards a system collapse “could still be a long one.”

What Could Be Done To Prevent The Ocean Collapse?

Watson further indicated that “there may be time for us to change” things with the hope of preventing the system from collapsing in the distant future. There are quite a few studies and reports that list practical ways that we can help to drastically reduce the impact of climate change on the oceanic system and marine environment overall.

Source: Pixabay/Pasja1000

For instance, government officials and fishing professionals could modify their policies and practices to stop overfishing and enhance the healthiness of marine ecosystems. The diversification of fisheries (or “seafood farming”) could also increase the resilience of the oceanic system.

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint To Decrease Carbon Emissions

There are numerous ways that people can use to decrease carbon emissions to help ocean acidification and warming. For instance, purchasing reusable water bottles instead of plastic bottles can help.

Source: Shutterstock/FrankHH

In addition, such steps as unplugging unused devices and getting regular tune-ups for your automobile can help to lower your carbon footprint as well. It is also recommended to use cold water when washing your clothes, which you should do in full loads as well.

How Modifying Your Grocery Shopping List Can Help

Many do not realize that what they put on their grocery shopping lists can assist in the long run as well. For instance, it is recommended to eat more food that is made or grown locally in addition to reducing the red meat in your diet.

Source: Pixabay/Peggy Chai

More importantly, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), you should focus on buying seafood that is sustainably harvested to keep the ecosystems within the ocean healthy.

Analyzing The Need To Protect The Coral Reef

Studies show that the coral reef supports the lives of 25% of all marine species. They are known as the “hotbeds of biodiversity” and provide venues of reproduction, shelter, feeding, and even nursery areas for more species than you more than likely realize even exist.

Source: Pixabay/Marcelo Kato

To help protect the coral reefs, the EPA advises people to focus on their recreational habits as well when it comes to marine activities and boating excursions. For instance, you should never touch the coral reefs when snorkeling or diving. In addition, you should remain cautious when dropping your boat anchors to ensure that they do not damage seagrass beds or coral reefs on their way down to the sea floor.

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Charlotte Clad

Written by Charlotte Clad

Charlotte Clad is a brilliant writer who possesses the remarkable ability to craft content that goes viral and leaves an indelible mark on readers. With an innate passion for storytelling and an unwavering commitment to her craft, Charlotte has consistently pushed the boundaries of creativity to captivate audiences worldwide.

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