
7th Grader Shatters Instagram Like Record with a Dash of Social Media Stardom

Source: Instagram reed_harrington23

That’s the beauty of social media. It has the power to turn an average person into a viral sensation and there’s no rhyme or reason to it. This was proven recently when Reed Harrington, a typical 7th grade boy with an account on Instagram, did the unthinkable. He set a record for the most likes on a single comment … and it has changed his life.

A Simple Video with a Simple Question

A few weeks ago, Reed was either out of ideas for his next video or looking to boost his number of followers. He uploaded a video stating: “Okay, when I hit 200,000 followers, I’ll do whatever the top comment says on this video and post it,”

Source: Instagram reed_harrington23

Reed probably assumed he’d get about a thousand likes and a few hundred comments. That’s what his posts typically received. And he probably assumed that his followers would offer some benign suggestions. But, thanks to a random comment from a stranger, that’s not what happened.

A Detailed Suggestion that Broke Instagram

An Instagram account named fiven9nekid responded to Reed’s request with a very detailed suggestion. It reads: “Fly to a small town in Thailand, get accepted by their people, learn the language, train in Muay Thai for a year and a half, fight in a tournament, win the tournament, return to the USA and join the UFC, stay in shape and go undefeated in your weight class, retire and do an interview saying this comment was the reason you fought so hard.”

Source: Instagram reed_harrington23

This comment, which reads like a to-do list, is clever, specific, and prophetic. And it resonated with people. To date, more than 2,335,000 people have liked the comment … more than any other Instagram comment before it. That’s right. Reed’s simple request set an Instagram record!

Who Is fiven9nekid?

The viral comment was posted by fiven9nekid. A quick look at his – the profile pic is a man – Instagram account shows that fiven9nekid has nearly 4,000 followers and only two posts. One of those posts is resharing Reed Harrington’s GoFundMe information.

Source: Instagram fiven9nekid / reed_harrington23

fiven9nekid’s bio information bears the name “doKevinjm” and lists a location as Yonkers, New York. The owner of this Instagram account is embracing Reed’s accomplishment. The bio line reads, “It’s no longer a joke; it’s Reed’s Destiny. World Record for IG likes on a comment.”

Why Would this Comment Go Viral?

It is difficult to know if fiven9nekid was joking when he posted his comment, if he intended to give Reed advice on life, or if he hoped to challenge the young teen. The checklist that fiven9nekid outlined offers a path to success but it wouldn’t be an easy route.

Source: Instagram reed_harrington23

To accomplish the items on fiven9nekid’s list, Reed will need to be focused, disciplined, and dedicated. He will need to step outside his comfort zone and embrace the unknown. He will need to tap into his physical strength and mental fortitude. But Reed is a kid who loves a challenge.

Gotta Love the Comments

The viral comment on Reed’s post also garnered a huge number of comments that are just as compelling as the viral one. For example, 0nly_sierra commented, “Thank god it wasn’t something crazy like fly to Thailand and joining the UFC!” In another comment, harryharrisonmodels asks, “Got your passport ready?”

Source: Instagram reed_harrington23

Reed’s followers are eager to see him accept the challenge. Several comments say, “Have fun in Thailand”. corneliusmasterson added, “Bros about to take over Thailand.”

Step One: Fly to Thailand

Overwhelmingly positive and supportive, the people who commented on fiven9nekid’s comments encouraged Reed to follow the advice he was given. After all, Reed asked for a challenge, therefore he intends to follow through. It is the first item on the checklist that Reed is focusing on first.

Source: Photo by Marcin Kalinski on Unsplash

Reed and his family decided to accept this challenge. Reed plans to go to Thailand and film his experience for his Instagram followers. Although there are some people who have commented that they will pay for Reed’s trip to Thailand, including Chicago-based musician and comedian Kush Papi, Reed and his family have set up a GoFundMe account to crowdsource his life plan.

Reed Is Being Practical

Reed Harrington and his family set up a GoFundMe page earlier today and it raised $3,500 in just 12 hours. To date, there have been 270 people who have donated to fund Reed’s journey to Thailand. Most of the donations have been small but with more than two million comments, Reed would have more than enough money for the trip if each commenter sends just $0.25.

Source: Instagram reed_harrington23

Reed is being practical about a trip to Thailand. He noted that he and his dad both need to apply for passports before they can set their travel plans. He also stated that the trip would likely take place during the summer of 2024 because he has school and sports right now. Ah, the life of a teen.

Reed’s Fame Could Be Growing Even More

Reed Harrington’s Instagram fame could be expanding into other realms, too. Both ESPN and Sportscenter have reached out to Reed through his Instagram page with the intent of featuring him in upcoming episodes. Other news and media outlets are also picking up Reed’s story.

Source: Instagram reed_harrington23

The serendipitous fame that Reed Harrington is experiencing is just getting started. We predict that his social media account will continue to skyrocket and that his trip to Thailand will be watched by millions of people who are rooting for this average American kid with a challenge to complete.

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Charlotte Clad

Written by Charlotte Clad

Charlotte Clad is a brilliant writer who possesses the remarkable ability to craft content that goes viral and leaves an indelible mark on readers. With an innate passion for storytelling and an unwavering commitment to her craft, Charlotte has consistently pushed the boundaries of creativity to captivate audiences worldwide.

As a prolific writer, Charlotte has the rare gift of turning ordinary subjects into viral phenomena. Her articles and narratives resonate deeply with readers, igniting discussions and spreading rapidly across the digital landscape. Charlotte's work has not only garnered millions of views but has also sparked enduring conversations, establishing her as a respected and influential figure in the realm of viral content.

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