
‘Out Of Control’: Ted Nugent Denounces Government For Targeting Gun Owners and Trump Supporters

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore / Flickr/Gage Skidmore

The federal government got caught asking financial institutions to flag transactions from certain groups of people, including gun owners and Trump supporters. Ted Nugent, in an interview with Fox News, claims it’s just another example of how the Democrats are ‘violating their constitutional oath.’ Don’t worry – we’ll get you caught up with everything you need to know!

House Select Subcommittee Launches Investigation

In Jan. 2023, the House of Representatives created the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government – a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee – with the primary goal of investigating alleged abuses of federal authority. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) serves as the Chair of both committees.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

The Subcommittee has been involved in three hearings thus far, but it’s their latest allegations that have citizens up in arms. While investigating the Biden Administration and the events that unfolded before, during, and after the Jan. 6 attack, they found something interesting – a targeting campaign by the Treasury Department.

Financial Institutions Were Surveilling Americans

According to documents, obtained by the Subcommittee, financial institutions were working with law enforcement officials to help determine ‘persons of interest’ in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack – and it was orchestrated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, a bureau of the US Department of the Treasury.

Source: Adobe Stock

The banks were allegedly searching for these keywords in private transactions and ‘Zelle payment messages,’ and reporting their findings with law enforcement – even flagging certain transactions that involved the reported keywords. “According to this analysis, FinCEN warned financial institutions of ‘extremism’ indicators,” wrote Rep. Jordan in a letter.

Sen. Bill Hagerty Grills Treasury Secretary

Three weeks after the Subcommittee unveiled its findings, Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) took aim at Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen for allowing FinCEN to surveil Americans’ transactions. He asked her if she thought people who purchased Bibles were extremists, and whether purchasing a Bible is even relevant to that conclusion.

Source: Flickr/U.S. Department of State

According to Yellen, FinCEN and the Treasury Department took steps ‘to work with financial institutions’ in an effort to find out ‘what had happened’ on Jan. 6. Of course, Hagerty wasn’t buying it – and the same goes for most Republicans in the House and Senate.

Biden Administration Confirms Surveillance Tactic

The Subcommittee made its discovery in mid-January, but it wasn’t until Friday (Feb. 9) that the Department of the Treasury came forward and admitted to the scheme – doing so in a letter sent to Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), who had sent them a letter of his own last month demanding answers.

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Tom Williams

In the letter, signed by Acting Assistant Secretary Corey Tellez, FinCEN admitted to using ‘politically charged search terms’ to intentionally flag transactions and customer profiles – a move Scott described as a ‘flagrant violation of Americans’ privacy and the improper targeting of U.S. citizens.’

What Keywords Were Banks Targeting?

According to the report, the keywords FinCEN was targeting included ‘antifa,’ ‘MAGA,’ ‘Trump,’ ‘Biden,’ ‘Kamala,’ ‘Schumer,’ and ‘Pelosi.’ They also targeted transactions related to small arms, Bass Pro Shops, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, religious books, and subscriptions to media outlets with extremist views.

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

One source, according to Fox News, added several other keywords to the list – including ‘white power,’ ‘Camp Auschwitz,’ ‘Proud B,’ ‘storm the capitol,’ ‘civil war,’ and words like gun, shoot, kill, death, murder, and more. Any transactions linked to any of these keywords were flagged and reported to the police.

Treasury Secretary Declines To Comment

On Feb. 8, Hillary Vaughn – a correspondent for FOX Business Network – caught up with Yellen while walking down a hallway inside the US Capitol. She asked the Treasury Secretary if she had anything to say to Americans who feel like they’re being targeted based on who they vote for in the general election.

Source: Flickr/Federalreserve

“I’m saying I’m not taking questions,” she responded – and that was that. At the same time, another woman came from behind and asked Yellen if she would take a picture. After taking a few steps, Yellen stopped and turned back to the other woman and agreed to take a photo.

Ted Nugent Describes Democrats As ‘Oath Violators’

That brings us to Ted Nugent – the stalwart rock artist turned political activist – who appeared on Fox News, as he often does, to talk about what he calls a ‘high tech infringement’ on the rights of citizens across the country. He even went as far as calling Democrats ‘oath violators.’

Source: Flickr/Stubblemusiczine

“Jack-booted thuggery can come in the forms of high tech. These oath violators continue to turn this once-great country into an evil empire,” Nugent said – adding that it’s the same oath he has taken for 39 years as a special deputy with the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. “I know good over evil – I’m just a guitar player.”

Says This Government Is ‘Totally Out Of Control

Ted Nugent goes on to call this a ‘heartbreaking time’ for America – especially for gun owners who know that ‘self-defense is a right from God,’ alluding to our right to keep and bear arms. “Keep means it’s mine, you can’t have it,” he said – adding that we must ‘put an end to this stuff.’

Source: Flickr/Tammy

The way he sees it, the government is ‘safeguarding criminals’ while they deny ‘good people’ the right to self-defense. “It’s so obvious that it’s just another criminal outrage by the government that’s totally out of control,” he concluded. Strong words from someone who’s well-respected among Republican voters.

Ted Nugent Has A History Of Speaking Out Against Government

Of course, speaking out against the government (Democrats, in particular) is nothing new for Ted Nugent. On Feb. 1, he joined former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin at the ‘Take Our Border Back’ rally in Central Texas. Nugent performed the Star Spangled Banner and encouraged everyone to vote in November.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

He’s a well-known supporter of Donald Trump and is a frequent guest at Trump rallies. In fact, he was even investigated by the Secret Service when he made threatening comments about former President Barack Obama in 2007.

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Ryan Handson

Written by Ryan Handson

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