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Giuliani Claims Trump Campaign Owes Him $2M in Unpaid Legal Fees

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has claimed that the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee still owe him $2 million in legal fees in former President Donald Trump’s alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election results, reported the New York Post.

The 79-year-old former attorney made the claims on Wednesday, February 7, during a court hearing almost two months after he filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy following the $148 million defamation damage he owes to two Georgia election workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, whom he defamed after the 2020 election.

Giuliani Claims Trump Campaign Still Owes Him $2M in Legal Fees

According to court testimony by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the reelection campaign of former President Donald Trump has yet to remit payment for $2 million in legal fees that Giuliani accrued while leading the campaign’s failed efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Source: The Independent/Alex Woodward

Giuliani claimed that upon taking control of Trump’s legal team in November 2020, he expected compensation for his services and reimbursement for related expenses. “Once I took over, it was my understanding that the campaign would pay me for my legal work and my expenses to be paid.

A Chaotic Post-Election Period

Giuliani’s testimony revealed insights into the chaotic post-election period as Trump and his allies attempted to overturn the election results through legal and extra-legal means. The former mayor emerged as one of the key figures pushing baseless claims of election fraud and conspiracy theories that have been repeatedly debunked.

Source: The Independent/Alex Woodward

While Giuliani attempted to shield Trump during his testimony, he admitted the campaign likely owed him fees for his legal work. The situation highlights Giuliani’s unwavering loyalty and willingness to defend Trump ultimately left him in dire financial straits and legal trouble.

Giuliani’s Testimony About His Unpaid Fees During Bankruptcy Hearing

According to reports, the former New York City mayor testified on February 7 when he took control of the Trump campaign’s legal team in November 2020. However, Giuliani said that when he submitted invoices for payment, the campaign only paid some of his expenses, not his legal fees.

Source: X/Atlanta Black Star

Though Giuliani did not specify an exact figure, he estimated the amount owed to be around $2 million. The hearing came nearly two months after Giuliani filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the wake of a $148 million defamation ruling against him.

Giuliani’s Financial Woes

Giuliani’s bankruptcy filing listed more than $1.3 million in assets and $4.7 million in liabilities. Included in the liabilities were a $1.2 million debt to his third ex-wife and a $180,000 balance on a mortgage on his home. The largest liability stemmed from the defamation ruling, where a judge ordered Giuliani to pay $148 million to two Georgia election workers he falsely accused of election fraud.

Source: Jacquelyn Martin

The former mayor said he earned $5 million annually before taking the election cases but had to give up his other clients to lead the legal efforts. Giuliani claimed that he had no income beyond a $10-a-month podcast.

Giuliani’s Support System

Giuliani’s supporters argue that as mayor, Giuliani lacked a pension or retirement fund, relying instead on speaking engagements and his law practice. However, Giuliani’s law license has been suspended in New York and Washington, D.C., due to his promotion of election fraud claims. As a result, Giuliani’s sources of income have dried up, demonstrating the precarious nature of his finances.

Source: Seth Wenig

While Giuliani continues defending his actions and appealing legal rulings against him, his finances remain unstable. Unless Giuliani’s appeals are successful or new sources of income emerge, his bankruptcy and debt will likely persist.

It Was a Struggle Then, and It Continues To Be a Struggle

The defamation ruling exacerbated Giuliani’s already dire financial situation. Despite the ruling, Giuliani struggled financially, putting his Manhattan apartment up for sale in July and representing himself in court to save money. In August, after being indicted in Georgia, Giuliani asked followers on social media to donate to his legal defense fund.

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Palacio do Planalto

Giuliani also traveled to Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Palm Beach estate, to plead with Trump to pay his legal fees, to no avail. However, Trump did host a $100,000-per-plate fundraiser dinner for Giuliani in September. According to bankruptcy filings, Giuliani owes between $100 million to $500 million in debts but has only up to $10 million in assets. Most of the debt is owed to the defamed Georgia election workers, Freeman and Moss.

Giuliani’s Attempts to Profit From His Trump Ties After the Election

Following former President Trump’s loss in the 2020 election and subsequent legal challenges, Rudy Giuliani emerged as a prominent figure in the Republican party’s efforts to overturn election results. Giuliani appears to have anticipated significant financial gain from his role in attempting to undo Trump’s loss.

Source: Susan Walsh

His decision to take on Trump as a client and make public assertions that undermined faith in U.S. elections and democratic processes seems to have been influenced by potential monetary benefit, not factual evidence or ethical concerns. By Giuliani’s bankruptcy filing and testimony, his reputation had suffered substantially due to his promotion of baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

Reactions and Criticism of Giuliani’s Claims Against Trump

The reactions to Giuliani’s claims against the Trump campaign have largely been unsympathetic. Many commentators see Giuliani’s current financial difficulties as a kind of karmic retribution for his role in promoting Trump’s “big lie” about election fraud.

Source: Brendan Smialowski

Critics argue that Giuliani should have known better than to expect Trump to pay legal bills, given Trump’s long history of refusing to pay contractors, lawyers, and others. Some responses mock Giuliani as an inept lawyer for not requiring an upfront retainer agreement.

Giuliani’s Continued Loyalty to Trump Despite the Unpaid Fees

The reasons for Giuliani’s continued allegiance to Trump remain uncertain despite the apparent failure to pay substantial legal bills and the damage to Giuliani’s finances and reputation in the process. His steadfast loyalty hints at the depth of his conviction and belief in Trump’s debunked claims of election fraud.

Source: Peter Foley

Alternatively, it may suggest an element of political or social expediency or even signal a desire to remain aligned with Trump’s base to gain popular or financial support. Regardless of the motivations behind it, Giuliani’s refusal to hold Trump accountable for the unpaid fees highlights the intensity of their political partnership and shared mission to challenge the 2020 election results.

Relationship Between Advisors and Advisees

While Giuliani’s legal and financial troubles directly result from his unwavering loyalty to former President Trump and Trump’s refusal to pay Giuliani’s mounting legal fees, the unfolding drama raises larger questions about the relationships between powerful figures and the advisors who enable them.

Source: Peter Foley

Though Giuliani was once considered an esteemed leader in his own right, his downfall serves as a cautionary tale of the risks of tying one’s reputation to divisive figures who frequently leave others to pay the price for their actions.

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Charlotte Clad

Written by Charlotte Clad

Charlotte Clad is a brilliant writer who possesses the remarkable ability to craft content that goes viral and leaves an indelible mark on readers. With an innate passion for storytelling and an unwavering commitment to her craft, Charlotte has consistently pushed the boundaries of creativity to captivate audiences worldwide.

As a prolific writer, Charlotte has the rare gift of turning ordinary subjects into viral phenomena. Her articles and narratives resonate deeply with readers, igniting discussions and spreading rapidly across the digital landscape. Charlotte's work has not only garnered millions of views but has also sparked enduring conversations, establishing her as a respected and influential figure in the realm of viral content.

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