
John Oliver Offers $1 Million Per Year to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to Resign Amid Controversy

Source: Disney Fanon Wiki / J. Scott Applewhite

Comedian John Oliver just made Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas an offer he can’t refuse – $1 million cash per year to resign from his lifetime appointment on the nation’s highest court. But does Thomas stand to gain even more by calling Oliver’s bluff?

Oliver – Thomas Made Lives “Demonstrably Worse

In a searing segment on Last Week Tonight, Oliver railed against Thomas’ conservative record, claiming the 73-year-old justice has “made the lives of Americans demonstrably worse” through his rulings on abortion, gun control, and more. He urged Thomas to “get the f*** off the Supreme Court.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Oliver highlighted Thomas’ pro-life stance in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned, arguing he should not be involved in hearing pivotal cases related to the January 6th attack given his wife’s political activism. He offered Thomas a “brand new condo on wheels” motorhome if he resigned.

$1 Million Per Year Resignation Contract

The British comedian pledged to pay Thomas “$1 million a year” for the rest of his life if he steps down from the bench before September. He claimed the justice could “talk it over” with his “totally best friend in the whole world” Ginni Thomas about the deal.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Oliver urged Thomas to discuss the implications of resigning with his conservative inner circle, joking they would still “love you no matter what your job is” from their boardrooms and “Hitler shrines.” He argued this could help Thomas find out who his “real friends” are beyond his public image.

Backlash Over Undisclosed Gifts

The scathing monologue comes amid backlash over Thomas’ failure to disclose lavish trips and gifts he and his wife received from right-wing groups. A New York Times expose revealed they had taken $6.7 million in undisclosed donations since 2003.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

ProPublica found Thomas did not report nearly $30,000 in expenses from a wealthy GOP supporter for events at elite private clubs, undermining his claims to be “the poorest justice.” Oliver skewered the justice as aloof from average Americans as he enjoys privilege and luxury from conservative allies.

Calls Mounting For Recusal or Resignation

Critics claim Clarence Thomas has glaring conflicts of interest that should disqualify him from ruling on cases related to the election, January 6th, or his wife’s political ties. Over 25 Democratic lawmakers have already called for his resignation or recusal from applicable cases.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Oliver joined these calls by offering Thomas what he dubbed a “golden parachute” – vowing to pay him a figure salary for life if he steps down before the Supreme Court’s fall term. Thomas has served for over 30 years but faces growing accusations his continued role threatens the court’s impartiality.

Friendship with Hard Right Activists

While Oliver mocked Thomas’ “best friend in the whole world” being his wife Ginni, the justice does have long-running friendships with wealthy right-wing activists who fund conservative causes. These relationships raise eyebrows given his position ruling on related issues.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Ginni Thomas’ pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” activism and private communications with the White House have spotlighted potential judicial bias. Meanwhile, Clarence Thomas came under fire for not recusing himself from a case involving email records disputes about his wife’s actions.

$6.7 Million in Unreported Donor Gifts

While most Americans struggle with inflation and economic uncertainty, Clarence Thomas and his wife have quietly accepted millions in undisclosed “gifts” from wealthy GOP supporters over the past 20 years. Groups tied to Harlan Crow provided private jet rides and luxurious vacations.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

These lavish, previously unreported perks undermine Thomas’ claims to make impartial rulings solely based on the Constitution and law, rather than ideological biases or donor influences. Oliver targeted Thomas’ luxurious double standard directly by mocking his motorhome offer.

Wife’s “Stop the Steal” Activism

Ginni Thomas’ fervent activism to overturn the 2020 election has spotlighted apparent conflicts of interest for her husband Clarence as he rules on Trump records cases and questions about the Jan 6th Capitol attack. She declared Biden’s win “the greatest heist of our history.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Ginni sent private emails to Trump’s Chief of Staff urging him to take action, claiming she and her allies would “fight until death” against the election outcome. Her political efforts contradict Justice Thomas’ job to impartially interpret related cases according to the law and Constitution.

Recusal or Retirement-Only Options

With Clarence Thomas dogged by ethical controversies over his wife’s activism and failure to disclose lavish right-wing gifts, critics claim recusal from applicable cases or resignation is his only honorable option now.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Over 25 Democratic Congress members have called for Thomas to step down or recuse himself from any cases related to January 6th, election disputes, or disputes over disclosing his wife Ginni’s communications. John Oliver has now raised the stakes with a public $1 million offer.

Oliver’s Offer – $1 Million to Retire

John Oliver’s fiery monologue offered Clarence Thomas an escape hatch from growing ethical dilemmas – retire now in exchange for $1 million per year for life paid by Oliver himself. He urged Thomas to picture how his lavish lifestyle could continue without the burdens of the bench.

Source: TODAY

While the offer itself seems over-the-top, the core argument resonated with many Americans – that Justice Thomas faces glaring bias issues. By targeting the private jet trips gifted by wealthy donors that have flown under the radar until now, Oliver hammered home a double standard.

Dire Choices Face Embattled Justice

Clarence Thomas now faces increasing pressure from all sides – growing calls to address conflicts of interest over his wife’s activism and undisclosed cash gifts by resigning or recusing himself amid a loss of perceived impartiality.

Source: Wikimedia

John Oliver’s viral offer of $1 million per year to retire turned up the heat substantially. While comedic, it encapsulated how most Americans see Thomas jetsetting on private planes as the median income declines. The next Supreme Court term seems likely to further test the justice’s ethical limits.

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Matty Jacobson

Written by Matty Jacobson

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