
Kevin O’Leary Explains Why Immigration Will Tip The Scales In The Election

Source: Flickr/Only Tradition / Flickr/U.S. Customs and Border Protection

The presidential election In the United States is only a few months away from taking place. Just like the elections of 2020, Former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden are going against each other again. World renowned entrepreneur and financial guru Kevin O’Leary recently shared that he feels immigration is the most pressing issue. He thinks that depending on how candidates plan to handle this matter could be the determining factor for Americans, leaning them one way or the other in their voting decisions.

United States And Immigration

The U.S. was founded by immigrants from countries all over the world. For hundreds of years the country has been a beacon of safety for those in need, exiled, or persecuted. Despite this fact many Americans are upset with the current uptick in immigration, commenting about how its just too many for the country to handle.

Source: Pinterest

Hence the reason for stronger immigration enforcement, border walls and federal regulations that are being put in place.

Huge Shift In Immigration Over The Last Few Years

There has been a huge influx in immigration in cities such as New York, Chicago, Houston, Miami, and Los Angeles, and a large number of these recently immigrated people have no place to go and no employment.

Source: Pinterest

This has raised the number of people experiencing homelessness significantly in the United states. It has been said by some that as many as 650,000 people are experiencing homelessness throughout the entire country, much of which consist of people that have recently arrived in the U.S.

Some Contend That Immigration Is A Human Right

The flip side of this argument is that many Americans strongly disagree, believing that immigration in itself isn’t the issue. On the contrary they believe that immigration is a human right that should be given to all people from any country.

Source: Shutterstock

Although many of those that believe that immigration is a human right also feel that the current situation is anything but ideal, especially because much of the United States is struggling to meet the demands of the growing number of immigrants.

Understanding The Immigration Debate

It is imperative to note that while some are in agreement that immigration should be the standard for all , and others feel it should be restricted or stopped altogether, the general consensus is that something needs to be done either way.

Source: Evan El-Amin / Michael Ciaglo

However, in order to ensure that the government assists those immigrants in need or stops them from coming in altogether, the people of the United States will need to elect a president who supports their side of the argument.

Homelessness Isn’t The Only Concern

Americans are equally concerned about the tens of thousands of immigrants who are currently residing in government housing or government provided shelters.

Source: Freepik

The concern is that the increasing number of migrants that are occupying subsidized and affordable housing are creating an environment where American born citizens are unable to find housing. A lot of Americans are struggling to find affordable apartments, or have been denied government assistance, many argue that this is a direct result of the immigrants renting the affordable apartments and from the government funding being allocated to help them.

O’Leary Says The Next President Will Be Determined Based On Immigration Debate

In an interview with Fox News, Kevin O’Leary from “Shark Tank” explained that he believes that the immigration challenges will play a huge part in who ends up winning the presidential election.

Source: Matthew Eisman

The financial expert stated that because Americans feel like they are being negatively affected by immigration, he “predicts this probably becomes the No. 1 issue and maintains that status as both sides turn this into a huge fight.”

Biden’s Plan For Immigration

President Biden’s plan is quite literally the polar opposite of his opponent. During his term of presidency, Biden has passed 535 immigration actions. Which, the white house claimes “keep America’s borders secure and enforce our immigration laws while expanding legal pathways for migrants seeking asylum.”

Source: Leon Neal

Biden also claims that Trump’s actions towards immigration are unconstitutional, “racist,” and “cruel,” and that “Donald Trump has no plan to build a humane and secure immigration system.”

Trump’s Immigration Plans

The former president of the United States, Donald Trump, has always been very verbally open about his firm stance on immigration.

Source: Shutterstock

Trump has said that if he were to win this 2024 election he plans to restrict the residency for millions of immigrants, give the okay for thousands of thousands to be deported, apply a naval blockade, and finish the border wall that he promised to accomplish during his 2016 presidency.

The Cross-Party Senate Border Policy

In his interview with Fox News, O’Leary also mentioned the recent bipartisan border deal, which was denied by the Senate just last month.

Source: X/Sprinter99800

Although the policy aimed to satisfy both the Republican and Democrat leaders in the Senate, the majority argued that claimed compromise doesn’t fully satisfy either party.

Americans Getting Increasingly Frustrated With Lack Of Change

As with any political debate, the immigration debate is multifaceted, with more than just two sides to the story. However, there are only two candidates to choose from.

Source: Freepik/Drazen Zigic

Americans will be faced with deciding who they feel will make decisions that support their views on immigration, either Joe Biden Or Donald Trump. As with many other subjects, these two men have polarizing stances on most subjects, so it will not be an easy choice for many Americans.

Your Vote Matters

Your vote is essential no matter what, but it plays an even bigger role in this 2024 election. It could ultimately determine the future for the United States immigration policies. It also could have profound effects on the thousands of immigrants already residing in the U.S.

Source: Shutterstock

As Kevin O’Leary explained, all policies matter, but because this issue is taking center stage in everyone’s mind, it is very likely that it could be the number one deciding factor in the November election.

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Athena Hallet

Written by Athena Hallet

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