

Transgender Women Dominate Soccer Match, Leaving Opponents Outraged

Source: Shutterstock

Transgenderism has been a huge debate recently, especially for trans women in sports. Opponents against the idea claim that these people have an unfair advantage against other “real” women in the sport.

Well, this conversation just got heated as news from Australia shows that a soccer team of transgender women was knocking out their competition effortlessly. The team of five eventually walked home with the victory, but people were not happy.

The Controversial ‘Transgender’ Win

Sports fans in Australia are raging right now. Apparently, a team of five transgender girls just won a soccer tournament in Sydney. These women were said to have torched their competition, winning every single game.

Source: X/@MailOnline

How grand was their victory? The game scores reveal that the dominant team of trans girls had extremely lopsided scores. In one game, they ended with  4 – 0, and one of the girls scored a goal six times.

The Girls Played For Flying Bats FC

These girls represented Flying Bats FC, which calls itself “the biggest LGBTQIA+ women’s and non-binary football club in the world.” They dominated the pre-season Beryl Ackroyd Cup tournament in Sydney, Australia.

Source: X/SydneyFC

The tournament lasted for four weeks, and these girls defeated every opponent with little to no effort. There was even a time when the team finished a match with 10 – 0, showing how dominant they were.

They Walked Home With $1,000

Once the girls were done “torching” the competition in the Beryl Ackroyd Cup tournament, they claimed their prize. The reward was a $1,000 jackpot, which the Flying Bats FC took home after playing for four weeks.

Source: X/TheFlyingBats

However, the backlash started. Parents, other girls, and even the internet took time off to express their thoughts about this “unearned” victory.

‘Parents Withdrew Their Girls’

The aftermath of the victory was severe. Parents expressed disappointment and disapproval by removing their kids from the games. This resignation was due to safety concerns that they didn’t expect when joining the tournament.

Source: X/TheFlyingBats

One parent told the news that they signed up to compete with their fellow girls and not biological males. Essentially, these girls have so much of an advantage that they’re putting their opponents at risk,

Club Officials Weren’t Happy Either

Parents’ outrage reached the ears of the sport’s club officials. These experts assessed the logic of these concerns and agreed with it. But instead of banning Flying Bats FC, they proposed a simpler option.

Source: X/TheFlyingBats

The club officials contacted Football NSW and asked that Flying Bats FC be restricted to play in mixed competitions. This category includes both boys and girls, allowing them to shine on an even playing field.

Club Officials Defend Their Request

In an interview, a senior club official commented on the issue. They stated:  “Our girls are here to play and for fun. They expect to play in the female competition. None of them signed up for a mixed competition.”

Source: X/TheFlyingBats

They further explained that Football NSW has no transparency. Therefore, these girls have no idea whether they’ll be going against biological males or their fellow females.

‘They’re Killing The Game’

Most people are unhappy that the trans girls robbed the “real” women of their trophies. Many argued that their opponents stood no chance due to their unfair male advantage. Therefore, it may kill the sport.

Source: X/TheFlyingBats

The senior club official explained that news of the victory made many of the parents concerned. The shock was so severe that they pulled their girls out of the competition and wouldn’t let them play anymore.

John Ruddick Wasn’t Happy Either

Even John Ruddick caught wind of the development and couldn’t hold back his opinion. For context, Ruddick is a Libertarian Party MP known for tackling this issue of keeping biological sex rights.

Source: X/KobieThatcher

He blasted the victory saying that the problem isn’t just poor sportsmanship. Rather, people are worried about the physical safety of these girls going against male-born athletes.

Kirralie Smith Also Spoke On The Issue

Amongst the many voices expressing their disapproval of the victory, Kirralie Smith decided to lend her voice, too. For context, Smith is a Binary Australian Spokeswoman, and she flamed the city’s football association.

Source: X/BernardGaynor

She complains that many teams are stressed about the situation as North West Sydney Football and Football NSW continue to put girls at risk in an unfair playing field. 

Football NSW Made A Statement

The internet, parents, experts, and club officials were unhappy about trans women stealing the victory from actual women. So, the Football NSW spokesperson responded with a statement. 

Source: Wikimedia/Pete Nowakowski

They explained that the organization is proud of itself for pioneering inclusive policies for sports in Australia. Nevertheless, every operation they make is within the existing legal framework, especially anti-discrimination legislation.

They Accept All People In Sport

The football association explains that “Football NSW’s law will continue to align with Football Australia’s adoption of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Guidelines. This is for the inclusion of all transgender and gender diverse people in sport.”

Source: X/TheFlyingBats

Under this law, “community players can participate in Football competitions on the basis of the gender they identify with.” In other words, the outrage is unnecessary and the victory was deserved.

What Does The Australian Sports Commission Say?

The Australian Sports Commission released a statement about trans and other gender-diverse people in sports. They want everyone to know that all Australians will have a fair chance to be involved in sports and physical activity, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, ability, cultural background, or ethnicity.

Source: X/@MailOnline

They also want sporting bodies, from local clubs to national sporting organizations to reflect the diversity in the communities they are a part of. They believe that doing this will ensure every person is treated with respect and dignity and protected from discrimination.

No Statement From Flying Bats FC Yet

For now, the debate on the legitimacy of their victory is still ongoing. Parents, the internet, club officials, and other women are enraged by the defeat. At the same time, Football NSW claimed that the victory was deserved.

Source: X/TheFlyingBats

So far, there’s no statement from Flying Bats FC yet. It’s possible that they’re waiting for the heat to die down or will treat the backlash as another rant from “bigots.”

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Mary Scrantin

Written by Mary Scrantin

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