
UN Youth Climate Adviser Says Whites Should Be Stripped Of Power In ‘Revolutionary Fights’

Source: Flickr/Diane Greene

Ayisha Siddiqa, a United Nations youth climate adviser personally selected by Secretary-General António Guterres, has garnered attention for her social media posts that call for radical leftist beliefs and criticize Western imperialism and White people’s role in the climate crisis. Her statements have ignited discussions about the intersection of activism and ideology.

UN Selects Ayisha Siddiqa as Youth Climate Adviser

Ayisha Siddiqa, a Pakistani-American climate activist, was chosen by UN Secretary-General António Guterres to help accelerate the implementation of his climate action agenda. Siddiqa, a Time Woman of the Year in 2023, co-founded two youth climate activist organizations and was expected to demonstrate a commitment to UN values.

Source: Flickr/Boris Baldinger

However, Siddiqa’s social media posts reveal her promotion of radical leftist beliefs, including abolishing the police, espousing socialist ideals, sharing Marxist-themed and anti-capitalist content, and repeatedly denigrating White people, raising questions about her alignment with UN values.

Siddiqa’s Motivation for Climate Activism: Criticizing Western Imperialism

According to Siddiqa, her involvement in climate activism was not primarily driven by a desire to protect the environment but rather to rail against the West for its wars and involvement in the Middle East, which she claims is intimately connected to oil. She accuses the West of “organized terrorism” in fueling the climate crisis.

Source: Flickr/Liam Moloney

Siddiqa also casts doubt on the term “terrorism” used by the West for actions by Islamist groups, suggesting that the phrase “Islamic terrorism” was invented to justify covert Western imperialism. Her statements highlight her critical stance toward Western foreign policy.

Attributing Climate Change to White People

Siddiqa attributes the cause of climate change to White people, stating that “the white man has brought life as we know it, to the verge of extinction.” She argues that White people have killed, looted, and abused Black and Brown people for profit, and have done the same to the Earth.

Source: Facebook/Kailua Tavern

The UN adviser also believes that White people should take a step down from power in the climate movement, claiming that it belongs to people of color. She asserts that White people have no prerogative or authority to lead the movement.

Criticizing Arabs and Arab Nations

In addition to her criticism of White people, Siddiqa also singles out “Arabs” and “Arab nations” for being supposedly racist and colluding with White people in contributing to the climate crisis. She accuses them of hurting poor, Black, and Brown people the most and participating in slavery “to the most disgusting extent.”

Source: Flickr/Autophocus

Siddiqa’s statements suggest a broader critique of power structures and their role in perpetuating environmental and social injustices, extending beyond just Western nations.

Labeling Political Figures as “War Criminals” and Criticizing the British Royal Family

Stemming from her repeated criticisms of U.S. and Western foreign policy in the Middle East, Siddiqa labeled President Biden a “war criminal” in 2020. She also described the British Royal family as “inequality, capitalism and White supremacy personified.”

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

These statements reflect Siddiqa’s strong opposition to what she perceives as systemic issues of power, inequality, and oppression, extending to prominent political figures and institutions.

Supporting the George Floyd Riots and Abolishing the Police

Following the George Floyd riots of 2020, Siddiqa expressed support for the protests, stating that America had looted every inch of the planet and raped and pillaged its Brown and Black people. She also believes in “Abolish[ing] the police” and sees the BLM demonstrations as exemplary for climate activists in being “a credible threat to power.”

Source: Flickr/Geoff Livingston

Siddiqa’s statements suggest a belief in the necessity of disruptive and confrontational activism to challenge existing power structures and bring about change.

Advocating for the Destruction of Capitalism

Siddiqa believes in the destruction of capitalism, which she sees as perpetuating “evils” and being incompatible with a livable planet. She states that capitalism is “the manifestation of racism” and calls for its “abolition” as a key part of her climate agenda.

Source: Flickr/DAVE WOOD

The UN adviser’s anti-capitalist stance is rooted in the belief that the current economic system exploits labor and contributes to environmental destruction, necessitating a radical transformation.

Embracing Marxist Themes and Thinkers

Siddiqa’s anti-capitalist content at times dips into Marxist themes, quoting thinkers like Franz Fanon, who supported using violence as a means of liberation. She also references Karl Marx, suggesting that if his critiques were written today, they would be even more radical, subversive, and shocking.

Source: Flickr/Dan

The UN adviser’s embrace of Marxist themes and thinkers indicates a leaning towards revolutionary and anti-capitalist ideologies in her approach to climate activism.

Questioning the Authority of White Men in Activism

Siddiqa explicitly questions the authority and legitimacy of White men in activism, stating that even if someone is “Karl Marx reincarnated,” their ideology is worthless if they treat other people as insignificant, especially if they are a man, and even more so if they are a White man.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

This statement highlights Siddiqa’s belief in the importance of intersectionality and the need to challenge power dynamics within activist movements themselves, particularly the dominance of White men.

Emphasizing the Height of Capitalism and Exploited Labor

Siddiqa argues that we are currently at the height of capitalism, with an unprecedented level of exploited labor leading to the existence of billionaires. She suggests that if the critiques of Marx, Lenin, or Trotsky were written today, they would be even more radical and subversive.

Soure: Flickr/Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

The UN adviser’s emphasis on the current state of capitalism and exploited labor underscores her belief in the urgent need for systemic change and the relevance of revolutionary thinkers in today’s context.

The Intersection of Climate Activism and Radical Leftist Ideologies

Ayisha Siddiqa’s statements and beliefs highlight the intersection of climate activism and radical leftist ideologies. Her critiques of capitalism, Western imperialism, and racial injustice are intertwined with her motivations for engaging in climate activism.

Source: Flickr/Marco Verch

While her appointment as a UN youth climate adviser has drawn attention to her controversial views, it also raises questions about the role of ideology in shaping approaches to addressing the climate crisis.

Debates and Discussions Surrounding Siddiqa’s Views

Siddiqa’s statements have sparked debates and discussions about the boundaries of acceptable discourse within the climate movement and the UN. Some argue that her views are extreme and divisive, while others see them as a necessary challenge to entrenched power structures and systemic issues.

Source: Flickr/World Economic Forum

The controversy surrounding Siddiqa’s appointment highlights the tensions and complexities within the climate movement, as activists grapple with different ideological perspectives and strategies for bringing about change.

The Role of the UN in Navigating Controversial Perspectives

As an international organization tasked with addressing global challenges, including climate change, the UN faces the challenge of navigating diverse and sometimes controversial perspectives among its advisers and stakeholders.

Source: Flickr/United Nations Photo

Siddiqa’s appointment raises questions about the UN’s vetting process for advisers and the extent to which it tolerates or endorses radical views in pursuit of its climate action agenda.

The Future of Climate Activism and the Need for Inclusive Dialogue

The debate surrounding Ayisha Siddiqa’s controversial statements underscores the need for inclusive dialogue within the climate movement. As the world grapples with the urgent challenge of addressing climate change, it is crucial to engage with diverse perspectives while also ensuring that activism remains focused on the common goal of a sustainable future for all.

Source: Adobe Stock/Oksana

While Siddiqa’s views may be polarizing, they also serve as a reminder of the complex intersections between climate activism, social justice, and political ideologies. Moving forward, the climate movement will need to find ways to navigate these tensions and build broad-based coalitions for effective action.

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Matty Jacobson

Written by Matty Jacobson

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