
13 Reasons Why People Don’t Like California Anymore

Source: Zocalo Public Square

Ah, California, the land of sunshine, surfing, and stars. Where dreams are both made and crushed in equal measure, avocados reign supreme, and saying “Hello” isn’t just understood but encouraged. Despite all of its obvious perks, it seems that the Golden State is losing its appeal. The question is why? Let’s take a look into 13 reasons why people are falling out of love with sunny California.  

Traffic, Traffic, And More Traffic 

We’ve all fantasized about the dreamy beach bungalow, typically that dream doesn’t include a three hour drive from one. The reality is that most California cities are crowded, and that is putting it lightly.

Source: Unsplash/Aleksandr Popov

A resident of Los Angeles, Jodi, tells Quora, “I live in Los Angeles and relate to the traffic situation. Depending on where you are going, it’s hit or miss. Thankfully, I’ve found enough patience (or something) to deal with the unknown of the streets of LA.”

Expensive Living Cost 

It’s no secret that the cost of living in CA is some of the highest in the country. According to Forbes magazine California ranks as the state with the nation’s third-highest living costs, following Hawaii and Massachusetts.

Source: Residencestyle

The average cost of household expenses like housing, food, transportation, taxes and healthcare is $53,171.


In what seems like a recurring pattern, the wildfires that devastated the state of California annually bring a whole new meaning to “California grilling.”

Source: Unsplash/Ross Stone

Statista records that The Campfire, blazing through November 2018, stands as California’s deadliest wildfire, claiming 85 lives.

Tech Titans And The Quest for Balance

The tech sector offers a plethora of storylines akin to soap opera, complete with antiheroes and an abundance of AI.

Source: Canva/SolsStock

Yes it is reshaping the cultural environment, but sometimes people want the charm of the old landscapes. 


California’s political environment is rocky on a good day. Governance is CA ebbs and flows between “bleeding-edge progressive” to “wait, what just happened?” quicker than you can say, “Recall election.

Source: Unsplash/Tania Malréchauffé

A political commentator on Quora, Winja says, “The current political state of California is a dystopian nightmare, and until the education system is no longer controlled by ultra-radical, out-of-touch with reality, low-intelligence fascist indoctrination, it will never change; it will only continue to get worse.”

Health Emergency 

California is frequently associated with healthy living, unless of course we are talking about their public health system. A look at the state often reveals a story of health disparities.

Source: Unsplash/Online Marketing

According to the California Health Care Foundation, the African American community in California is often faced with the highest mortality rate from cervical, breast, colorectal, lung and prostate cancers.  


COVID-19 hit California much like it did the rest of the world, the state adapted by wearing masks, Zoom meetings, and social distancing, but the virus revealed the cracks in the healthcare system.

Source: Unsplash/Martin Sanchez

Bob, a local medic, told Reddit, “The good news is that hospitalizations and especially deaths are dropping, so hopefully this new strain is less deadly.”

Elitist Vibes And A Growing Disconnect 

The state’s exclusive barriers aren’t always the most welcoming, perpetuating the notion that California is less about self-discovery and more about depleting your finances. One resident stated, “San Francisco has always been that way. I don’t know why or how that came to be, but when I’ve lived there, it’s pretty noticeable.

Source: Moya Garrison-Msingwana

It’s a “hipper than thou” kind of culture. Once you go north of Marin, things really start to change, and people are more laid-back. The same can be said once you get south of San Jose,” says Thomas, a Quora commentator. 

Ridiculous Housing Prices 

The housing market seems to be under the impression that everyone that lives in CA is a tech billionaire, but honestly, the majority of the state is just scraping up enough to afford an apartment the size of a Tesla.

Source: Canva/bluehill75

The sad part of this story is that the high cost of housing is driving residents to look for greener grass elsewhere. RentCafe says that living in California comes at a cost, an astonishing 38% higher than the national average!  

Navigating Housing Struggles 

Witnessing homelessness up close and personal is a humbling reminder that our strength is measured by how we care for our most vunerable.

Source: Unsplash/Jon Tyson

ABC News reported, California is home to nearly a third of the United States homeless population, with approximately 181,000 Californians lacking housing. 

Environmental Problems

The environmental issues in California have some people weighing out the luxury of year-round sunshine vs the ability to breathe quality air.

Source: Unsplash/Photo Boards

The Public Policy Institute of California says that droughts, wildfires, and climate change are at the top of the environmental concerns list for Californians, raising significant worry across the state. 

Tech Jobs 

According to an NBC News assessment, tech giants and startups have cut tens of thousands of jobs just this year.

Source: Unsplash/Austin Distel

Executives cite inflation, increases in interest rates, and dwindling digital ad sales as significant financial challenges.

Those That Still Love California 

Despite its fluctuations California continues to portray a canvas of rugged coastlines, starlit glam, and opportunities as big as the Pacific Ocean.

Source: Wikimedia/Håkan Dahlström

Californians still appreciate modern marvels and recognize the efforts needed to address the challenges along the way. 

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Athena Hallet

Written by Athena Hallet

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