
“The Math Keeps Getting Worse”: James Comer Says Biden Impeachment Vote Might Not Happen

Source: Flickr/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District

Republicans are attempting to do to Joe Biden what Democrats did to Donald Trump a few years ago, but their plan is falling apart before it even begins. At least that’s what House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-KY) said during an interview with Spectrum News last week – and he’s not alone in his thinking. Here’s everything you need to know!

Why Do Republicans Want Biden Impeached?

Republicans have been trying to impeach Biden ever since he took office in 2021, but their most recent attempts are centered on his alleged role (bribes and money laundering) in his son’s (Hunter Biden) controversial business dealings overseas.

Source: Wikimedia/The White House

The impeachment process starts with an investigation by a House committee – which is what Comer is in the middle of right now. If the House finds ‘substantial evidence that the president has committed a high crime or misdemeanor,’ then it goes to a vote. A majority vote sends the articles to a Senate trial, where they vote to convict.

GOP’s Shrinking Majority and Rising Skepticism

Biden’s impeachment hasn’t made it to a House vote, and there’s a chance it never gets to that point. During last week’s interview, Comer outlined the two things standing in his way – a shrinking majority in the House and a rise in skepticism among Republicans.

Source: Douglas Rissing from Getty Images Signature via Canva

Some experts are suggesting that there are nearly two dozen Republicans not yet convinced of Biden’s role in his son’s dealings. With 219 Republicans in the House, they can afford a couple of naysayers (if all are present), but Comer says the ‘math keeps getting worse’ as more GOP members grow skeptical.

Comer Wants Accountability – With Or Without Impeachment

In his interview, Comer said the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas will determine how they move forward with Biden’s impeachment. If the Senate (controlled by Democrats) takes it seriously, they’ll consider voting on the articles for Biden.

Source: Wikimedia/Festival of Faiths

“At the end of the day, my goal is to get the truth out there and hold people accountable for wrongdoing,” Comer added. “That may encompass impeachment. If it doesn’t, that’s fine with me.”

Some Republicans Believe Impeachment Window Is Closing

Republicans are starting to lose faith in their efforts to impeach the President of the United States, with several key members essentially calling the process a waste of time. In fact, some believe it’s nothing more than a form of revenge for what the Democrats did to Trump.

Source: Wikimedia/U.S. Embassy Bern

Even some of the Republicans who are for impeaching Biden are admitting that a stronger case needs to be brought forth – not just for the House, but for the American people. Let’s take a quick look at some of the more notable statements being made by Republicans in the House.

1. Rep. Scott Perry Says Case Isn’t Strong Enough

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), a conservative who supports impeaching the President, is one of the Republicans who wants to see a stronger case – adding that the investigation has yet to turn up any hard evidence to convince those who are skeptical.

Source: Wikimedia/U.S. Department of Energy

“While I think that it’s pretty clear, I don’t know that the case has been made adequately to the American people,” he said, according to CNN earlier this month. This is coming from someone who voted to impeach Mayorkas a week ago after what he described as a ‘comprehensive Congressional investigation.’

2. Rep. Ken Buck Calls Probe A ‘Disgrace’ And ‘Disservice

In an op-ed published in Sept. 2023, Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) blasted the impeachment of Joe Biden – adding that the Committee hasn’t been able to find a clear connection between the President and his son’s overseas dealings.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

“Trump’s impeachment in 2019 was a disgrace to the Constitution and a disservice to Americans. The GOP’s reprise in 2023 is no better,” he said last year. “If the evidence is there, Jake, I will absolutely vote for impeachment. I don’t see the evidence at this point.”

3. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis Wants American Voters To Decide

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) took a different stance – saying that the House (and the Senate) should leave it up to the voters in the 2024 general election. They would still want to complete the investigation, but a vote might not be the best thing right now.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

“Let the American people decide in November if they want to take this country in a different direction,” Malliotakis said to CNN in early February. “I think that’s probably most likely, considering the politics of the Senate.”

4. Reps. David Schweikert And Mike Garcia Want To See More

Some Republicans – including Reps. David Schweikert (R-AZ) and Mike Garcia (R-CA) – are waiting for the investigation to come to a close before they make any judgments about the sitting President.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

“When the report is done, I’ll read it,” said Schweikert, while Garcia added that none of the committee chairs have produced a reason for him to read the report yet. In a recent meeting with a subsection committee, none of the chairs said they had any evidence of an impeachable offense.

5. Rep. Mike Kelly Hasn’t Seen Anything Up To This Point

Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) also alluded to the House’s lack of evidence. “I have seen nothing. I really see nothing. I know what people say. And I watch the news,” he said in an interview with CNN earlier this month.

Source: Flickr/OversightandReform

Kelly was one of the many Republicans who voted to impeach Mayorkas, so his skepticism is notable. He’s one of two Pennsylvania representatives to criticize the current investigation – joining his colleague, Scott Perry.

Impeachment Of Alejandro Mayorkas Will Tell All

The House of Representatives presented two articles of impeachment against Mayorkas. The first article claims he ‘willfully and systematically refused to comply with Federal immigration laws,’ while the second article was because he ‘breached the public trust.’

Source: Wikimedia/DHSgov

House Reps. held a vote on Feb. 6, but they failed to secure a majority – it was tied 215-215, but a Republican switched last minute to send it to a re-vote. On Feb. 13, they voted again and this time succeeded 214-213. Now, it moves to trial in the Senate.

Meanwhile, Republicans Expect Government Shutdown Soon

To make matters worse for those who want answers, Republicans in the House are expecting a government shutdown in the near future – even if it’s only for a few days. One Republican says they’re either ‘close to reaching a deal or it’s about to blow up.’

Source: wildpixel from Getty Images Pro via Canva

The government has until March 1 to agree to a new budget before a partial shutdown takes effect. If a deal isn’t reached a week later, the full shutdown will be enacted. Of course, that would only complicate things going forward.

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Ryan Handson

Written by Ryan Handson

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