
A Beer Bottle Has Been Found At The Deepest Point In the Ocean At -35,000ft

We all expect the lowest part of the sea to house fascinating creatures like anglerfish, vampire squid, and gulper eels. For most scuba divers, this is often the major reason for their excitement while plunging into the ocean’s deep

Surprisingly, human debris now shares this habitat with the indigenous oceanic fauna. The advocacy for keeping natural water bodies clean has been on the rise lately. However, this strange discovery hints at how much work still needs to be done in this regard.

The Irrevocable Planet Change

Professor Dawn Wright once mentioned in 2022 the continuous detrimental changes humans cause to the planet. She is a geography and oceanography scholar at Oregon State University. In her words, we’re ‘irrevocably’ making the planet worse.

Source: Shutterstock/Johnstocker Production

The need to preserve water creatures and their habitat has been the clamor of various oceanic preservation crusaders. Except you suffer from the fear of large water bodies or thalassophobia, exploring the deep sea is fascinating. Unfortunately, this excitement can quickly fade out at the sight of contaminants that are meant to be properly disposed of.

The Rebirth Of An Old Research

You might wonder why Dr. Wright is concerned about the assault on oceanic bodies. She was among the deep sea drivers who went on a unique escapade to this inaccessible part of the ocean.

Source: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.

The professor explained that the major aim of their research was to explore a previously left-out area. A part of the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench. Beyond their normal intentions, they were rather pried with more need to intensify the shout for the preservation of natural water bodies.

Challenger Deep In The Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench is located in the western Pacific Ocean. More at the east of the Mariana Islands, this place is widely known as the deepest part of the world’s oceans. Its harsh conditions make it non-compatible for most life forms. Nevertheless, a number of creatures are still found here, mostly of limited species.

Source: Wikimedia/Vivescovo

The Mariana Trench is a place of interest and awe. One is because the Pacific Plate is directly underneath the Mariana Plate as a result of subduction. This has made the site attractive to many researchers for scientific explorations since the 19th century.

A Shocking Discovery

Dr Wright descended into the depths of the ocean with a two-seat submarine. She journeyed more than 6.7 miles to the bottom of the Pacific. Meanwhile, not too far from this point, she saw the bizarre.

Source: Flickr/Sean Nash

It was a beer bottle sitting at the bottom of the Earth’s deepest location. The litter had traveled an equivalent of 35,000ft to the darkest depth of the ocean. Another surprise was that it descended with its label still attached.

What This Means?

Considering that the discarded object has reached this oceanic depth before actual humans imply the obvious. It’s a telltale sign of how badly we are affecting the natural world. Is it something to be worried about? Absolutely!

Source: Wikimedia /Nils Ally

For people like Professor Wright, there is a need to do more to protect the planet. Her passion is already seen in her concern and belief in further advocacy for the usual ‘Save the Ocean’ talks.

The Major Point Of Worry

The deep sea is often considered a pristine sanctuary devoid of signs of human activities. However, the recent discoveries challenge this perception and are important reasons to be bothered.

Source: Newcastle University

According to Alan Jamieson, who led the research, this reveal changes everything scientists have always thought. It symbolizes the lasting effect of human activities on the environment. For the once pure deep-sea abyss, the story is starting to change with mankind’s taints.

What This Means For Marine Life

The Mariana Trench is notable for its unique and highly efficient scavengers. These include the amphipods that feed on mostly organic materials that find their way into the ocean’s depth.

Source: Flickr/USFWS – Pacific Region

This new finding hints at the fact that toxic pollutants can also find their way into this insane depth. Hence, they feature in the food chain and pose significant threats to these creatures.

A Drawback From The Common Goal

The European Union is hinged on reducing plastic pollution in the ocean by 2030. This attempt will focus primarily on the prevention, elimination, and monitoring of marine waste. Although an ambitious pledge, it’s an attempt to see to the preservation of the planet.

Source: Wikimedia/Mostafameraji

On the other hand, the discovery of a beer bottle at the ocean’s depth marks a drawback toward this goal. More importantly, it reestablishes the fact that there’s a need to enforce better waste management.

Rising Discussion On The Internet

Discoveries like this often wow many. Unfortunately, this doesn’t automatically translate into better actions from most. The story recently resurfaced on social media.

Source: Flickr/Robin Smiff

Numerous Reddit users have things to say. One is the fact that it’s a scary, eerie, and depressing discovery. Finding litter in such depth is unimaginable, and many even expressed worry that there could be scarier findings.

An Attestation To Humans’ Carelessness

Another user also commented that one can’t help but picture the sequence of events that had led to a bottle sinking that deep. Imagine something going to the most extreme point on earth it could reach.

Source: Flickr/krosinsky

Meanwhile, it’s unsettling to find a beer bottle at the endpoint of the ocean. It is safe to say that the last vestige of the planet has been touched by the hand of human pollution. Perhaps, the deep sea should also be included in the radar for detoxification and litter clearance.

Take Home?

Dr. Wright and many other scientists have the right to be bothered. So should everyone. In her post on X, she wants the human populace to be more cautious. And there is nothing more critical than collectively contributing to the EU’s goal.

Source: Twitter/Dr. Dawn Wright + (@deepseadawn)

Oceanic care is vital for the health of the habitat. Similarly, it also aids the viability of natural water bodies in remaining relevant to housing resident creatures. This sustainability call is a reminder that we share the planet and are also dependent on these faunas.

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Mary Scrantin

Written by Mary Scrantin

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