
Left-Wing DA’s Top Adviser Charged For Allegedly Accessing Police Officer Files 

Source: Terry Pierson

Diana Teran, an assistant district attorney for Los Angeles County, was reportedly charged on Wednesday. Her attorney reportedly believes that the accusations on which the charges are based are “a non-starter.”

Assistant DA Allegedly Accessed Police Officer Files, Improperly Used Data

California Attorney General Rob Bonta, who was first appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom in 2021, reportedly filed 11 charges against Teran. His office alleges that Teran accessed police officer files as she worked for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in 2018.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

According to the report, it was also alleged that she improperly used the data collected within the District Attorney’s office. Teran first joined the office of LA County District Attorney George Gascón in 2021.

Bonta: ‘Public Officials Are Called To Serve The People…With Integrity and Honesty’

Bonta issued an official statement about the charges, indicating that “no one is above the law.” Bonta added that “public officials are called to serve the people and the State of California with integrity and honesty.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons

He further explained that the California Department of Justice will “continue to fight for people of California.” Bonta added that the department will also “hold those who break the law accountable.”

Teran’s Lawyer Claims The Case ‘Is Just Not Presentable’, ‘Very Embarrassing’ For AG

James Spertus, an attorney that is represented Diana Teran, stated that the “case is just not presentable.” He expressed his belief that “it’s going to be very embarrassing for the AG’s office.”

Source: Spertus, Landes, and Josephs LLP

According to Spertus, Bonta and his office “should have discussed issues more carefully with people with knowledge.” Spertus argued that the charges were connected to duties that Teran held within the scope of her employment.

Attorney Believes That Teran’s Access To The ‘Brady List’ Was Warranted

Spertus believes that Teran’s access to the “Brady List” was warranted since that was a part of the scope of her employment with the LA County Sheriff’s Department. The “Brady List” is an informational database that covers allegations of police misconduct.

Source: Pixabay/Birgit Bollinger

Spertus argued that no possible charges could be based on that conduct, which explains why he was surprised by the overall announcement of the charges filed against his client.

Bonta ‘Will Face A Very Quick And Expeditious Loss’, According To Teran’s Attorney

Spertus made it clear that he wants “the world to know that the AG’s office will face a very quick and expeditious loss on this sort of thoughtless legal theory.” He then explained that the “thoughtless legal theory” referenced was that “an official can be prosecuted for doing an official act.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons

He added that this was “just really something that you wouldn’t expect in law enforcement today.” Gascón’s office did go on record with a statement, but it did not directly reference the charges filed against Teran.

Gascón Developed Protocol To Comply ‘With Our Constitutional Obligations Under Brady’

Gascón stated that his office “developed a protocol” to ensure that they “complied with our constitutional obligations under Brady” when he first took office. According to Gascón, his office is required to “turn over potentially exculpatory evidence to the defense.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Howard Chandler Christy

He further highlighted that this particular category “includes law enforcement’s prior misconduct.” At the same time, it also complies “with state and federal law around privacy.”

Gascón Remains ‘Committed To Upholding Transparency,’ ‘Police Accountability’

Gascón indicated that his office “will comply with any investigation” from the attorney general. However, he added that he remains “committed to upholding transparency and ensuring police accountability.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Ken Kistler

According to Gascón, those specific principles are “paramount to the integrity of our work and the trust of the community.” He added that his office would address the situation “with the utmost seriousness and diligence to uphold the values of justice and fairness.”

Spertus Believes ‘It’s Going To Be A Race For Us To Get To A Court’

Spertus believes that the case will get dismissed as it is a “non-starter.” He expressed his belief that “it’s going to be a race for us to get to a court.”

Source: Pixabay/Annette

His objective is to “get a ruling that this case must be dismissed.” Spertus added that the attorney general is “dragging their feet and trying to delay that doomsday event.”

Teran Used To Work As Deputy District Attorney For LA County

Teran has reportedly worked as an attorney for nearly 40 years. He used to work as a deputy district attorney for Los Angeles County.

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Busition

She then moved into the world of law enforcement oversight back in 2018. At the time, she worked as a constitutional policing advisor for the sheriff’s department.

Teran Was Assigned To Family Violence Division, Prosecuted Domestic Violence Cases

While she worked as a deputy district attorney, Teran reportedly was assigned to the Family Violence Division from 1994 to 1996. During her time there, she “prosecuted felony domestic violence, child physical abuse, and homicide cases.”

Source: Pixabay/Gerd Altmann

She also prepared appellate briefs and oppositions to writs as she worked with the Appellate Division from 1996 through 1998. Her time at the LA County DA’s Office started in December of 1988 when she was assigned to work on a wide range of misdemeanor and felony cases.

Teran Also Worked As Law Enforcement Accountability Advisor For Public Defender

Teran also took a job with the public defender’s office in Los Angeles County in 2019. She reportedly worked as a law enforcement accountability advisor during her time in that office.

Source: Pixabay/Leandro Aguilar

The overall role of accountability within the law enforcement industry is to ensure that officers work within the boundaries of the law. The advisor is also responsible for improving the relationship between the community and the police.

Diane Teran Made History With Her Role As Law Enforcement Accountability Advisor

Teran reportedly made history when she was hired to serve as a law enforcement accountability advisor for the public defender’s office. The position was created by Public Defender Ricardo Garcia in July of 2019.

Source: Pixabay/Jose Esqueda

Her job required her to advise deputy public defenses on various protocols and policies that were related to police misconduct issues. She was also responsible for gathering public information connected to police misconduct and “advise on and monitor Brady compliance.”

‘Brady List’ Was Named After 1963 U.S. Supreme Court Case

The “Brady List” initially received its name after Brady v. Maryland, a 1963 U.S. Supreme Court case. The list consists of the names of law enforcement officers that have credibility issues.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The Supreme Court ruled that any evidence that is favorable to the defendant must be disclosed to the defense in these types of cases. This includes any evidence could potentially tarnish the reputation or impeach the credibility of any type of government witness – including police officers.

‘Brady List’ Was Implemented To Ensure Fairness Within The U.S. Criminal Justice System

The “Brady List” was implemented with the goal of ensuring fairness within the criminal justice system of the United States. It essentially allows defendants to be able to have the resources needed to challenge credibility of witnesses effectively.

Source: Pixabay/Gerd Altmann

The overall principle that it upholds is that everyone within the United States has the right to a fair trial.

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Sally Reed

Written by Sally Reed

Sally, a dynamic and viral writer, has taken the literary world by storm with her exceptional storytelling prowess. With an uncanny ability to tap into the collective consciousness of her readers, she crafts narratives that resonate deeply and linger long after the last word is read.

Born with a creative spirit, Sally honed her writing skills from a young age, cultivating a unique voice that blends emotion, wit, and social insight. Her work spans a wide spectrum, from poignant short stories that tug at the heartstrings to thought-provoking essays that challenge conventional thinking.

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