
Abbott to Protesting Musicians: “Don’t Come Back” to Texas

Source: Greg Abbott

SXSW has welcomed thousands of visitors to Austin for decades, showcasing music, film, and interactive media in an internationally recognized event. But this year, tensions are high as several musical acts pull out of the 2024 festival in protest over the U.S. Army’s sponsorship.

Citing the military’s supply of arms to Israel amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza, the artists say they cannot in good conscience participate. In response, Texas Governor Greg Abbott took to social media to tell the musicians not to return.

Background on the Controversial SXSW-Army Partnership

SXSW’s partnership with the U.S. Army has been controversial since its announcement in early March. The Army Futures Command, which focuses on the modernization of the Army, signed on as a “super sponsor” of the festival.

Source: Melissa Bordeau

For some musicians and activists, the sponsorship poses an ethical dilemma. Several musicians have pulled out of SXSW to protest the Army’s role, citing human rights concerns.

Response from Abbott and SXSW

In response, Governor Greg Abbott criticized the musicians’ decision and told them not to return to Texas. However, SXSW has distanced itself from Abbott’s comments.

Source: X/GregAbbott_TX

SXSW said in a series of posts, “We do not agree with Governor Abbott. We are an organization that welcomes diverse viewpoints. Music is the soul of SXSW and has long been our legacy.”

Drawing The Line Between The Military and Entertainment

SXSW’s partnership with the Army Futures Command brings up complex questions about the relationship between art, business, and the military.

Source: SXSW

While the festival relies on corporate sponsors, some see a conflict between those sponsorships and SXSW’s countercultural roots.

Bands Withdraw in Protest

Bands like Kneecap cited the U.S. Army’s sponsorship of the event as the reason for their boycott. In a statement, Kneecap said they “cannot in good conscience attend an arts festival that has the U.S. Army as a ‘super sponsor.'”

Source: 909originals

The group noted the financial impact of their decision but said it paled in comparison to “the unimaginable suffering being inflicted every minute, every day on the people of Gaza.”

SXSW Responds

For its part, SXSW released a response attempting to distance itself from Abbott’s comments. “SXSW does not agree with Governor Abbott,” read a statement.

Source: X/SXSW / Jay Janner

“We are an organization that welcomes diverse viewpoints.” The festival called music its “soul” and said inclusiveness had long been its legacy.

The Show Goes On

Despite the controversy, the festival will continue as planned, with hundreds of musical acts, films, and interactive events scheduled for the coming days.

Source: SXSW

SXSW is expected to draw over 300,000 visitors to Austin and have an economic impact of $280 million, demonstrating its role as a major cultural and financial event.

Musicians Pull Out of Upcoming Texas Shows

Other artists withdrawing from SXSW over the sponsorship include Lambrini Girls, Scowl, Gel, Okay Shalom, Squirrel Flower, and Sprints.

Source: SXSW

Seven acts have announced they will no longer perform at the festival from March 11 to 16. For these musicians, the human rights violations reportedly occurring in Gaza outweighed any benefits of performing at SXSW.

Examining the Arguments Against the Army Sponsorship

As the U.S. Army is a major sponsor of SXSW this year, several musicians have pulled out of the festival in protest. Their arguments center around the military organization’s supply of arms to Israel during the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

Source: SXSW

While the debate around the ethics of the Army’s sponsorship continues, the departure of bands threatens to undermine SXSW’s identity as a showcase for independent music.

Analyzing Abbott’s Statement Telling Artists Not to Return

Abbott took an unnecessarily harsh stance in response to the musicians pulling out of SXSW. Rather than acknowledging their right to protest or starting a constructive dialogue, he essentially told them they were unwelcome.

Source: X/GregAbbott_TX / X/TXLoneStarLive

His comment, “Don’t come back,” came across as needlessly antagonistic. A more measured response could have defused tensions rather than inflaming them.

The Importance of Dissent

Part of living in a free society is accepting dissent and protest. The musicians raised valid concerns about the military sponsorship that was worth discussing.

Source: Prism Partners International

Dismissing them out of hand runs counter to principles of free expression. Protests have long played an important role in sparking social change and raising awareness of important issues.

The Impact on SXSW’s Reputation

Abbott’s combative statement also risked damaging SXSW’s reputation. The festival has always billed itself as a platform for creative expression across many fields.

Source: Facebook/SXSW

By implying that those critical of the U.S. Army sponsorship were unwelcome, Abbott’s comment could undermine SXSW’s image as an open and inclusive event.

Assessing the Impact on SXSW and Austin

The decision by several musicians to pull out of SXSW 2024 due to the U.S. Army’s sponsorship is poised to have major ramifications on the festival and Austin’s economy.

Source: X/wntrult

For Austin, losing visitors means less money spent on hotels, food, drinks, and transportation. Some local businesses rely heavily on the boost in sales during SXSW to sustain them for months.

Do Artists Have an Obligation to Protest?

By pulling out of major events like SXSW over disagreements with sponsors or policies, musicians and bands are saying that their values and principles come before career opportunities or financial gain.

Source: Amnesty International

However, others argue that artists should not be obligated to protest if they don’t wish to. Not every musician wants to be an activist or make political statements.

What’s Next for the Texas Music Scene?

The fallout from musicians pulling out of SXSW in protest of the U.S. Army’s sponsorship could have significant ramifications for the Austin music scene.

Source: SXSW

The Governor’s comments were a warning shot to anyone critical of the military or their policies. His message that those opposed to the Army’s support should stay away promotes an exclusionary culture in the state’s music scene.

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Sally Reed

Written by Sally Reed

Sally, a dynamic and viral writer, has taken the literary world by storm with her exceptional storytelling prowess. With an uncanny ability to tap into the collective consciousness of her readers, she crafts narratives that resonate deeply and linger long after the last word is read.

Born with a creative spirit, Sally honed her writing skills from a young age, cultivating a unique voice that blends emotion, wit, and social insight. Her work spans a wide spectrum, from poignant short stories that tug at the heartstrings to thought-provoking essays that challenge conventional thinking.

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