
Donald Trump Dismisses Need For Gun Reform Hours After Super Bowl Parade Mass Shooting

Source: Flickr/Arlington National Cemetery / YouTube

Donald Trump doesn’t view gun violence as a problem in this country, and doesn’t plan on doing anything to curb it if re-elected in November. As he continues to align himself with the gun lobby, let’s take a look back at some of his recent (and not-so-recent) controversial remarks about gun violence, gun reform, and the 2nd Amendment.

Jan. 5: Trump’s Remarks Following School Shooting In Iowa

On Jan. 4, a 17-year-old student opened fire on other students and faculty at Perry High School in Perry, Iowa. The incident occurred at around 7:30 a.m., and the shooter was armed with a shotgun and handgun. The principal and a sixth-grade student were killed by gunshot wounds. Six others were wounded before the shooter killed himself.

Source: Wikimedia/The White House

On Jan. 5, one day after the shooting, Trump gave a speech in Iowa – and told the city to ‘get over it’ and move on. “It’s just horrible to see that happening, it’s just horrible. So surprising to see it here. But, uh, I have to get over it. We have to move forward, we have to move forward,” he said.

Feb. 9: Brags About Lack Of Gun Reform During His Term

Trump was in office between 2017 and 2020. During that time, the United States witnessed some of the deadliest mass shootings in American history – including the Parkland, Santa Fe, Pittsburgh, Thousand Oaks, Dayton, and El Paso shootings. For four years, his Administration did nothing to help curb it – something he’s proud of.

Source: Wikimedia/The White House

On Feb. 9, while speaking in front of thousands of NRA members in Pennsylvania, Trump bragged about his Administration’s lack of effort with gun reform. “During my four years, nothing happened — and there was great pressure on me having to do with guns. We did nothing. We didn’t yield,” he said.

Feb. 14: Mass Shooting Occurs At 2024 Super Bowl Parade

On Feb. 14, the Kansas City community was celebrating their beloved Chiefs at the 2024 Super Bowl parade when two juveniles opened fire on the crowd. A mother of two was killed and 22 others – including eight children – were injured. More than half of the victims were under 16.

Source: Flickr/Gram Henry Zavos

Three suspects were arrested, but one was let go after police determined he wasn’t involved in the shooting. The other two juveniles were arrested and detained ‘on gun-related and resisting arrest charges,’ according to a news release by the Jackson County Family Court.

Feb. 14: Trump Again Brags About Lack Of Gun Reform

On Feb. 14, mere hours after the mass shooting in Kansas City, Donald Trump gave a speech in front of hundreds of loyal supporters in South Carolina. He, again, bragged about not doing anything to the 2nd Amendment while he was in office.

Source: Wikimedia/US Embassy France

“Nobody took care of our Second Amendment, during that four-year period nothing happened with our Second Amendment. We will protect innocent life and we will restore free speech,” he said. In that same speech, he called for the impeachment of Joe Biden for ‘weaponizing’ the Justice Department.

Trump Has A Long History Of Supporting Gun Violence

Trump’s recent comments are concerning, especially for someone with a real shot at winning a second term as President of the United States. It goes to show how little regard he has for gun reform and how unaffected he is by the mass shootings that are happening on a daily basis – in cities across the United States.

Source: Mihaela Stoica’s Images via Canva

Of course, this is nothing new for Trump. His rhetoric over the past decade has undermined a lot of what this country was founded on. He talked about shooting somebody in 2016, he supported Kyle Rittenhouse after his ‘not guilty’ verdict, and he even wants shoplifters shot on sight – the rhetoric never seems to end.

2016: Trump Says He Can ‘Shoot Somebody’ Without Losing Any Voters

In 2016, with the Iowa caucus less than two weeks away, Donald Trump spoke in front of his MAGA army at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. He was confident about his chances against Hillary Clinton, and took a moment to thank the community for their unrelenting support.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

But the way he thanked them was a little odd – even for someone like Trump. “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s, like, incredible,” Trump said in 2016. The crowd loved it, but sensible Americans across the country took offense – Trump couldn’t have cared less, though.

2021: Trump Meets With Kyle Rittenhouse After ‘Not Guilty’ Verdict

Kyle Rittenhouse is a name most people will recognize, but for the wrong reasons. He fatally shot two men and injured another at a Black Lives Matter protest in Aug. 2020, and was later charged with various homicide-related charges. He was acquitted of all charges the following year after arguing that he acted in self-defense.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

After his ‘not guilty’ verdict, Trump invited him to his Mar-a-Lago estate and ended up calling Rittenhouse a ‘really nice young man’ by the end of their chat. “What he went through, he should’ve — that was prosecutorial misconduct. He should not have had to suffer through a trial for that,” Trump said at the time.

2023: Trump Wants Shoplifters Shot Before They Leave the Store

On Sept. 29, 2023, Donald Trump gave a fiery speech at the California Republican Party convention to conjure up support for his 2024 presidential campaign. He ended up giving a glimpse into what the country might look like if he were to win another four years in office – and it’s not a pretty sight.

Source: Getty Images via Canva

“We will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft. Very simply: If you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store,” he said – placing emphasis on the word ‘shot.’ Even if there are innocent people in the store, Trump wants the shoplifter shot without hesitation – putting everyone else at risk.

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Ryan Handson

Written by Ryan Handson

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