
Major Retailers Back Controversial Anti-Theft Measure

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Major retailers Target and Walmart are throwing their support behind a controversial California ballot measure to crack down on retail theft by making repeat offenses a felony.

New Efforts Target Organized Crime

A wave of organized retail crime involving brazen thefts from major stores like Target and Walmart has prompted the companies to back a proposed California law that would make repeat shoplifting offenses a felony. The measure would overturn parts of Proposition 47, a 2014 law that reduced penalties for theft under $950.

Source: Wikimedia

The proposed ballot initiative, supported by $1.5 million in combined donations from Target and Walmart, would allow prosecutors to group multiple petty thefts to surpass the $950 felony threshold. It would also create stiffer penalties for organized retail crime rings stealing over $50,000 in goods.

Earlier Law Seen As Enabling Theft

Advocates argue Proposition 47 enabled increased shoplifting by criminals aware the law made it unlikely they would be charged with a felony or face arrest. For major retailers, the cost of losses from theft creates untenable business conditions in some markets.

Source: Wikimedia

Both Target and Walmart have been forced to close some locations in California where brazen thefts increased sharply after the passage of Proposition 47. Organized retail crime has also been growing steadily across the country, prompting calls for policy changes at both the state and national level.

Building Cases Against Repeat Offenders

If passed, the proposed ballot initiative would restore the ability of California prosecutors to build felony cases against repeat shoplifters through security camera footage and other evidence. It aims to walk back portions of Proposition 47 that made non-violent thefts of under $950 a misdemeanor.

Source: Wikimedia

However, the measure preserves protections for individuals who fail to scan an item at self-checkout or make an occasional mistake that could be perceived as an attempt at shoplifting. Instead, it focuses on prosecuting those who steal from stores repeatedly as part of an organized effort.

Cracking Down On Brazen Thefts

California is not the only state grappling with organized retail crime and brazen store thefts. At least 32 states have passed laws specifically targeting highly coordinated theft rings reselling stolen merchandise. The National Retail Federation is urging more states to impose stiffer penalties.

Source: Wikimedia

According to an NRF survey, 87% of retailers believe a national law is needed to define organized retail theft as a separate, more serious offense and mandate sufficient criminal penalties to deter this activity. Efforts are underway in Congress to advance legislation to support retailers.

The Costs Of Increased Crime

Skyrocketing theft since the passage of Proposition 47 has led Target and Walmart to close over a dozen California stores. The increased crime threatens the viability of their business operations in certain markets and creates unsafe conditions for workers and consumers.

Source: Wikimedia

Allowing brazen thefts to go mostly unprosecuted fosters an environment where retail businesses struggle to remain operational. Advocates for revising California’s laws argue that organized retail crime rings have taken advantage of lax penalties to repeatedly target stores, reselling stolen goods online.

Seeking A Statewide Solution

While some local California jurisdictions have passed new ordinances or devoted more resources to curbing retail theft, major retailers argue a statewide solution is needed. Target and Walmart’s support for the statewide ballot initiative signals the urgency of addressing organized retail crime.

Source: Wikimedia

The push to overturn parts of Proposition 47 unites retailers large and small seeking provisions to prosecute serial shoplifters and theft rings. Small businesses are also suffering from increased costs related to theft but often lack the resources big chains have to prevent and respond to crime.

Preserving Reasonable Protections

In supporting the ballot initiative, backers stress that protections must remain in place for individuals who accidentally fail to scan an item in self-checkout or make a small mistake. The focus is prosecuting those who brazenly and repeatedly steal through organized efforts.

Source: Wikimedia

Large chains contend they rarely involved law enforcement for petty theft before Proposition 47 created an environment enabling escalating criminal activity. Reasonable legal protections for petty mistakes should remain while addressing the rise of retail crime rings.

Seeking Solutions Beyond Courts

While stiffer penalties are needed to curb organized retail crime rings, advocates note that underlying societal issues also must be addressed for a sustainable solution. More penalties alone will not solve issues leading people into lives of crime and addiction.

Source: Flickr/mrchriscornwell photography

In addition to legislative fixes, investments are required for intervention programs, addiction treatment, job training, and more to provide alternatives to criminal paths. A balanced approach can reduce retail crime while also giving thieves opportunities to reinvent their lives.

Unintended Consequences

When California voters passed Proposition 47 in 2014 to reduce penalties for nonviolent petty thefts, few anticipated the unintended consequence of fueling surging organized retail crime. State lawmakers similarly did not predict the law’s negative impact in enabling retail theft rings.

Source: Flickr/Jobs For Felons Hub

Now, the rapid rise of brazenly coordinated groups systematically stealing merchandise and reselling it online has galvanized bipartisan efforts to overturn parts of a measure originally aimed at criminal justice reform. Backers argue Proposition 47 has allowed retail crime to explode statewide by removing deterrents and consequences for serial thieves. One key architect of the original measure has now endorsed the effort to walk portions back, acknowledging the troubling growth of organized crime targeting California retailers. But those supporting the current law say stiffer penalties disproportionately impact marginalized groups and do little to address root causes of poverty driving many to theft.

Seeking a Balanced Solution

As California weighs a ballot initiative to address escalating retail crime by restoring stiffer penalties targeting organized theft rings, advocates say a balanced solution is still needed. One that cracks down on brazen criminal groups while preserving reasonable protections and investing to tackle root societal drivers.

Source: Wikimedia

While the retail industry urgently seeks legislative fixes to curb surging losses from unchecked theft fueled by Proposition 47’s reduced penalties, businesses also note underlying systemic problems must be addressed. Potential ballot measures could provide law enforcement more tools to dismantle retail crime rings ravaging communities. But lasting change requires going beyond penalties to fund intervention initiatives, addiction treatment, job training, and more. California must balance accountability with alternatives to offer those turning to crime a path toward reentering society productively.

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Matty Jacobson

Written by Matty Jacobson

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