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Internet Users Slam Vivek Ramaswamy’s Donation to Turning Point USA

Source: Larry Robinson / Wikimedia Commons

Turning Point USA (TPUSA) is a conservative nonprofit organization founded by Charlie Kirk and Bill Montgomery. Recently, biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy made a substantial donation to the organization, but it has prompted a lot of outrage and calls for self-respect, considering what TPUSA is known for. Let’s see why.

Coming Through on a Promise

According to Kirk, Ramaswamy had intimated that he was going to donate to the organization during a recent meetup at AmFest. Kirk noted that many people say they’re going to contribute to the organization but ultimately don’t for one reason or another.

Source: Twitter/X

In this case, Ramaswamy did indeed donate to the organization, although the donation amount wasn’t publicized. Kirk came out on Twitter/X to thank Ramaswamy publicly for the donation. The internet was not pleased about this.

What Does TPUSA Do?

TPUSA is a nonprofit organization that advocates for conservative politics in high schools, colleges, and other academic institutions. Their goal is to enlighten young people about free-market ideals with a healthy dose of conservative ideology.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

The face of the organization is Charlie Kirk, who has been with it since its founding. He is no stranger to controversy since many of his statements have been highlighted as either covertly or overtly racist.

Blaming Left-Wing Politics

Kirk was most recently caught in a scandal where he was caught commenting on having a black pilot. He said that in such a case, he would at least hope that the pilot was adequately trained and qualified.

Source: Flickr/Steven Cateris

The outrage about that statement took it to mean that Kirk was against having black pilots. Clarification from his producers stated that it was left-wing media’s focus on affirmative action that may lead to an underqualified black pilot as a result.

Why Is Ramaswamy’s Donation Important?

Ramaswamy is an up-and-coming force in the Republican camp. He’s campaigning to be the Republican party’s next presidential hopeful against Nikki Haley and Donald Trump. His donation might make Republicans see what his focus is likely to be if he were to be elected.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

He’s a former pharmaceutical and biotech CEO, and he brings significant experience in management to the table. His political views may be more right-wing than most, making him a natural partner for an institution like TPUSA.

Internet Users Are Outraged And Disappointed

When news broke about Ramaswamy’s donation, many Twitter/X users were appalled at it. Several users commented that Ramaswamy wasn’t the kind of person that Kirk would typically associate with.

Source: Twitter/X

Others were quick to point out that his donation seemed like he was trying to buy his way into the hearts of Republicans. They warned him that he didn’t have enough money to buy himself “white.”

Self-Respect or Self-Hate?

The Twitter/X comments continued to remind many people that both Kirk and Trump thrive on self-hate and that Ramaswamy’s donation is an excellent example of how he fits their mold. Ramaswamy noted in a recent interview that he’s more along the lines of Trump in 2015 than the former president, who is aligned with his original ideas today.

Source: Twitter/X

Some of the Twitter/X user comments suggested that Ramaswamy had little self-respect, paying money to an organization that didn’t respect him for his race. Yet, the irony of someone tweeting that was missed by the person who sent it out there.

Why All This Hate?

One of the core reasons that Ramaswamy aligns with the Republican party is partially the same reason why so many minorities align with them – they understand the party’s conservative rhetoric and ideologies.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

Minorities, including migrants, have very conservative politics when they come into the country. Republicans cater to their ideological leanings, and that makes them feel like the party stands for what they believe in.

Buying Respect Is a Typical Play for Conservatives

Ramaswamy’s donation is unsurprising in the context of his presidential bid. His donation to TPUSA will unlikely be the last one he will make. If anything, he’s likely to spread more of his money around to show Republicans that he’s serious about his bid.

Source: Twitter(X)/SecPompeo

A similar situation happened in 2015 when Trump declared his presidential bid. Most political commentators laughed it off as a publicity stunt, yet a year later, he was being sworn in as the next US president.

Internet Users Miss The Nuance of Their Statements

Several of the people who commented about Ramaswamy’s donations focused on the aspect of race and that guys like Kirk would never respect him because of his skin color. The statements show a fixation with skin color as opposed to ideology.

Source: Flickr/katerkate

Ramaswamy is very likely a hardcore conservative. His discussions and interviews have shown a very right-wing slant for his discussions, and he spent his money on TPUSA because he saw them as a valid way to promote the ideology he subscribes to. Whether he wants to buy respect from the establishment shouldn’t be questioned.

Is TPUSA Really Racist?

The Internet outrage machine that is social media has many opinionated people who make statements that could easily be misconstrued as racist. Some of the comments about Ramaswamy’s self-respect could similarly be construed as racist if made by someone of another race.

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

While the people who make up TPUSA’s management and direction might harbor racist tendencies, they don’t state those outright. Sometimes, it takes creative interpretation to see racism in their statements. If they are racist, they’re not so racist to turn down a donation from a non-white patron.

What Will This Donation Lead To?

Ramaswamy’s bid to become the Republican presidential candidate is already underway, and this donation will get more people to notice who he is and what he stands for. Whether it will be enough to stop the juggernaut that is the Trump Campaign remains to be seen. Some Republicans have moved to have Trump stricken from the ballot in several states.

Source: Gage Skidmore

This donation, along with others Ramaswamy may make, will get eyes on him and help other Republicans judge what he stands for. His alignment with TPUSA gives a good glimpse into what he considers vital as a presidential candidate. The return for him is worth it, even if he has to align himself with potential racists to get that traction.

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Charlotte Clad

Written by Charlotte Clad

Charlotte Clad is a brilliant writer who possesses the remarkable ability to craft content that goes viral and leaves an indelible mark on readers. With an innate passion for storytelling and an unwavering commitment to her craft, Charlotte has consistently pushed the boundaries of creativity to captivate audiences worldwide.

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