
Major Beer Company Facing Calls For Boycott 

Source: Flickr/buba69

Major beverage company Molson Coors may become the target of a new boycott. Multiple reports have confirmed that a call has been made for consumers to boycott this company, which owns such popular beer brands as Blue Moon, Coors Lite, and Miller Lite.

Teamster Group Targeted Molson Coors After Failed Discussions With Union Workers

According to the report, Molson Coors failed to reach a solid agreement with union workers recently over a proposed wage increase. As a result, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters intervened.

Source: Wikimedia/CT Cooper

The group called for consumers to boycott Molson Coors. Some have stated that the timing could not be worst for the beverage company – especially since the boycott was called for during March Madness season.

Teamsters Represents Over 400 Workers On Strike From Texas Brewery

The teamsters group reportedly represents approximately 420 workers at the Molson Coors’ brewery located in Texas. These workers have been on strike since February 17.

Source: Pixabay/Alexa

The workers went on strike after the major beverage company offered them less than $1 per hour as an increase to their wages during recent contract negotiations. The company was working on negotiating rates for a new three-year contract.

Union Workers Returned To Negotiation Discussion With Company After 41 Days

The union workers reportedly returned to negotiation discussions with Molson Coors after being on strike for 41 days. The goal was to discuss the new contract and reach an amicable agreement that both sides could support.

Source: Pixabay/Ronald Carreno

However, Molson Coors reportedly only offered them an additional 5 cents per hour in addition to the initial $0.99 per hour wage increase offered in February. As a result, they were still unable to reach an agreement and the strike continued.

Teamsters Brewery Conference Director Criticized Molson Coors In Press Release

Jeff Padellaro, an executive of the Teamsters Brewery Conference, opened up about the strike and specifically targeted Molson Coors in a recent press release. Padellaro serves as the director of the Teamsters Brewery, Bakery, and Soft Drink Conference.

Source: Pixabay/Arek Socha

Padellaro stated that Molson Coors brought in “$12 billion last year.” Even with such a high-revenue year, he criticized them for having “the nerve” to “offer workers who made them that money a nickel more in wages.”

‘We Can’t Even Call This An Offer – It’s Spitting In The Face’ Of Each Teamster

Padellaro added that “we can’t even call this an offer.” He further expressed that it was “spitting in the face of each of the 420 Teamsters in Texas who make this company and its executives obscenely wealthy.”

Source: Pixabay/Leo Pictures

According to the press release, members of Teamsters Local 997 would continue to hold the strike line around-the-clock at the Fort Worth brewery location.

Molson Coors CEO Salary Criticized In Teamsters Press Release About Strike

Molson Coors CEO Gavin Hattersley was referenced within the Teamster group’s press release as well. Specifically, the top executive’s year-to-date salary was highlighted.

Source: Pixabay/Tumisu

According to the press release, during the first 41 days of the strike, Hattersley made millions of dollars in income from the company. The press release stated that he was “paid more than $5.1 million.”

Teamsters President: ‘It’s An Example Of The Willful Disrespect’ For American Workers

Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien opened up about his own honest reactions to the proposed offers and failed negotiations from Molson Coors. He stated that “Molson Coors is a total disgrace.”

Source: Pixabay/PublicDomainPictures

He acknowledged that the proposed offer was not “a serious offer from one of America’s biggest beer companies.” According to O’Brien, it was “an example of the willful disrespect it has for the American workers behind its products.”

‘Molson Coors Doesn’t Care About Texas Workers Or Their Hard Labor’

O’Brien further expressed that “Molson Coors doesn’t care about Texas workers or their hard labor or the sacrifices their families have made to make the company rich.” He added that the “corporate end game is to try to drive the union out of the brewery in Texas.”

Source: Pixabay/Ziaur Chowdhury

The union is currently seeking improved retirement benefits and pay raises. In addition, it wants to implement a plan that will allow the union to maintain good healthcare options for the Teamsters.

‘Molson Coors Wants To Break The Workers,’ Claims O’Brien

According to O’Brien, “Molson Coors wants to break the workers.” He then emphasized the fact that “the Teamsters aren’t going anywhere.”

Source: Pixabay/Gerd Altmann

O’Brien explained that the Teamsters would “fight as hard and for as long as it takes” to protect their members and get the wages that they deserve. One report shows that Molson Coors’ fourth quarter earnings from 2023 were the company’s highest earnings since 2005.

O’Brien: ‘It Shouldn’t Be Difficult For Molson Coors To Agree’ To ‘Respectable’ Contract

General President O’Brien also stated that “it shouldn’t be difficult for Molson Coors to agree to a respectable contract.” According to O’Brien, the only thing that would prevent them from doing so is if “their goal is to deprive workers of fair wages.”

Source: Pixabay/Aymane Jdidi

He also noted that they would also need to “strip them of good benefits and job protections.” The Texas facility is reportedly the only Molson Coors facility that is represented by the Teamsters group.

Anheuser-Busch Faced Labor Dispute With Unionized Workers In December

Anheuser-Busch reportedly faced a similar labor dispute from its own unionized workers last December. One report claims that thousands of workers throughout the United States voted to enforce a strike if the company did not agree on a “stronger new contract” that would replace their old one, which was set to expire in late February 2024.

Source: Pixabay/Gerd Altmann

The Anheuser-Busch workers also accused their employer of delaying the negotiation process regarding “important job security issues” since mid-November. A tentative agreement was eventually reached in late February.

Over 5,000 Teamsters Working For Anheuser-Busch Ratified New Five-Year Contract

Over 5,000 Teamsters reportedly ratified in late February by an overwhelming 86 percent. They were able to get a new five-year contract from Anheuser Busch, a competitor of Molson Coors.

Source: Wikimedia/Ben Sykes

The new contract with Anheuser-Busch provided the workers with significant pay raises. In addition, the new contract improved retirement benefits, enhanced health care options, and protected all the jobs of the members on staff.

Bud Light Faced Boycott Last Year Over Dylan Mulvaney Controversy

Bud Light faced a boycott of its own last April when consumers had an overwhelming negative reaction to the use of transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney in its social media campaigns.

Source: Flickr/Outfest

Mulvaney was featured in a social media campaign that promoted a $15,000 giveaway prize. The boycott resulted in Bud Light being removed from the top-selling spot on the beer brand list within the United States.

Anheuser-Busch Issued Statement TO CBS News Regarding Mulvaney Situation

Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of Bud Light, issued a statement to CBS News regarding the Dylan Mulvaney situation. The statement insisted that they “remain committed to the programs and partnerships we have forged over decades with organizations across a number of communities.”

Source: Wikimedia/Michelle Crow

The statement specifically referenced “those in the LGBTQ+ community.” According to the statement, “the privacy and safety of our employees and our partners” remained a top priority for the company. 

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Sally Reed

Written by Sally Reed

Sally, a dynamic and viral writer, has taken the literary world by storm with her exceptional storytelling prowess. With an uncanny ability to tap into the collective consciousness of her readers, she crafts narratives that resonate deeply and linger long after the last word is read.

Born with a creative spirit, Sally honed her writing skills from a young age, cultivating a unique voice that blends emotion, wit, and social insight. Her work spans a wide spectrum, from poignant short stories that tug at the heartstrings to thought-provoking essays that challenge conventional thinking.

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