
Oklahoma City Elected White Nationalist, Recall Election Scheduled For April

Source: Michael Noble Jr.

A small Oklahoma city may have unknowingly elected a man that was associated with white nationalists. Two grandmothers and best friends reportedly discovered a controversial photo of Judd Blevins at the “Unite the Right” rally, which apparently led to a chain of events resulting in the scheduling of an upcoming recall election.

What Happened During The ‘Unite The Right’ Rally?

The “Unite the Right” rally was gathered neo-Nazis and white supremacists to Charlottesville, Virginia back in August of 2017. The rally was reportedly coordinated by members from various alt-right movements, far-right groups, neo-Confederate organizations, and white nationalists.

Source: Wikimedia/Anthony Crider

The objective of the rally was to protest the decision to remove a Confederate statue that was located in a Charlottesville park. Sadly, the protest quickly escalated into chaotic violence as counter-protesters clashed with rally participants.

A Statue Of General Robert E. Lee Was The Root Of Debate, Conflict

The root of all the conflict and debate in Charlottesville was the longtime placement of a statue of Robert E. Lee, a Confederate General. The statue was placed in what was formerly referred to as “Lee Park” in downtown Charlottesville.

Source: Wikimedia/Cville Dog

The debate focused on the decision of placing Confederate symbols and monuments into public spaces as some felt that it glorified the state’s legacy of oppression and racism. Once plans were made to remove the statue, far-right groups and white supremacists decided to take action by planning the “Unite the Right” rally.

Rally Participant Drove Car Into Crowd Of Counter-Protesters

James Alex Fields, Jr., a participant in the “Unite the Right” rally drove his car directly into a crowd of people that were countering the protest. His action led to the death of Heather Heyer and the injury of several other people in attendance.

Source: Wikimedia/AgnosticPreacherKid

There were other instances reported of assault and battery during the rally as well. Individuals from both sides of the conflict sustained injuries.

How The Night Before The ‘Unite The Right’ Rally Made Headlines

August 16, 2017 is widely recognized now in infamy as the eve of the “Unite the Right” rally. It was on that night that there was a crowd of white nationalists who decided to march through the campus of the University of Virginia.

Source: Wikimedia/Mark Lagula

The white nationalists reportedly carried torches and chanted various slogans that were associated with white supremacy and Nazi Germany. This was when the clashes began as counter-protesters approached the white nationalists.

Analyzing The Controversial Photo Of Judd Blevins

The controversial photo in question featured a bearded Judd Blevins. He held a tiki torch while standing next to an angry mob on the University of Virginia campus the night before the “Unite the Right” rally.

Source: Pixabay/Juan Carlos Martinez

Many of who have seen the photo confirm that it is easy to identify Judd Blevins within it. This photograph was discovered online by two citizens of Enid, Oklahoma when they realized that the man pictured was running for a City Council seat.

Two Rare Democrats Enlarged Photo, Brought It To Forum For City Council

Connie Vickers and Nancy Presnall decided to get the photo enlarged at a local print & copy shop. Their goal was to question Blevins about the photograph at a forum scheduled in January 2023.

Source: Pixabay/Mylene

Blevins was running as a candidate to represent Ward 1 on the six-seat City Council of Enid. The forum did not have very many people in attendance. However, Vickers and Presnall made sure they were present along with the enlarged photo.

Vickers, Presnall Approached Blevins With Photo After Event

Vickers and Presnall initially wanted to question Blevins about the photograph while he presented his case onstage. However, that opportunity never emerged, so the two rare Democrats from a mostly-red town decided to approach him after the event.

Source: Wikimedia/Kiddo27

Multiple reports confirm that they pulled the enlarged photo out of a kitchen trash bag and asked Blevins directly about his association with white nationalists. As his campaign manager whisked him away in a hurry, the two ladies reportedly yelled out, “Answer the question, Judd!”

Blevins Won The Election, Unseated Republican Incumbent

Judd Blevins reportedly won the election nearly two weeks later on Valentine’s Day 2023. By doing so, he unseated the Republican incumbent that had a solid reputation as a devoted public servant.

Source: Pixabay/Gerd Altmann

In the small city of Enid, which was 100 miles north of Oklahoma City and was home to a little more than 50,000 people, the Republican incumbent was highly respected. He died later the same year from cancer.

Voters Likely Appreciated Blevins’ Bio, Past Military Service

One of the biggest highlights that clearly reached the hearts of voters was Judd Blevins’ biography. He was a veteran that served time in Iraq. He also worked a manual job located in Tulsa before deciding to take over his family’s roofing business after he moved back to his hometown.

Source: Pixabay/Amber Clay

Blevins also described himself as a man that appreciated the “traditional values” of Enid. He also viewed himself as a man of God, which also was a factor in the public’s overall positive opinion of him.

It Remains Unclear How Many Voters Knew Of Blevins’ White Nationalist Past

There was apparently a newspaper article in a local paper about Judd Blevins’s past. Blevins referred to the story as a “hit piece.” However, it was not discussed in great detail aside from his confrontation with Vickers and Presnall at the forum.

Source: Pixabay/Karolina Grabowska

Once he was elected into the City Council, though, this apparently did not stop Vickers and Presnall from exposing his past to as many people as they could.

Blevins Has Declined Interview Requests On Multiple Occasions

Judd Blevins has apparently decided to stay quiet and refuse to comment regarding his ties to white nationalists and the “Unite the Right” rally. Multiple reports confirm that he has declined several interview requests.

Source: Pixabay/Aksel Lian

When asked about his ties to white nationalists, he apparently told one reporter, “I hope you find God.” Therefore, the complete history of Blevins’s associated with white nationalists and white supremacists may never be revealed.

Blevins Was An Active Leader Of Identity Evropa For At Least 2 Years

What has been confirmed is that Judd Blevins served as an active leader of Identity Evropa from at least 2017 to 2019. Identity Evropa is one of the most prominent neo-Nazi and white nationalist groups within the alt-right organization.

Source: Wikimedia/Callum Darragh

The public side of Identity Evropa stayed away from racist labels but chose more acceptable descriptors such as “identitarians” that focused on the preservation of “Western culture.” However, within internal online chat threads and secret meetings, the members were able to express their true beliefs and uncensored motivations.

Blevins Worked As Oklahoma State Coordinator For Racist Group

Blevins reportedly promoted the white nationalist propaganda of Identity Evropa using flyers posted throughout the major universities and cities throughout the state. He also set up and participated in various banner drops that occurred over state highways.

Source: Wikimedia/Evan Nesterak

Multiple reports confirm that Blevins was responsible for the recruitment, interviewing, and acceptance of new members into the white nationalist group.

Blevins Carried Original Oklahoma Flag Day Of ‘Unite The Right’ Rally

Blevins apparently did a lot more than just carry a tiki torch the night before the “Unite the Right” rally, Judd Blevins also reportedly carried the original Oklahoma state flag the day of the rally. He was active within the group even after the rally concluded in violence.

Source: Wikimedia/Oklahoma Historical Society

The flag, which was adopted in 1911, featured the image of an Osage warrior’s buckskin shield with eagle feathers. The depiction of Native American imagery within the flag has been criticized as insensitive and disrespectful to Native American histories and cultures.

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Sally Reed

Written by Sally Reed

Sally, a dynamic and viral writer, has taken the literary world by storm with her exceptional storytelling prowess. With an uncanny ability to tap into the collective consciousness of her readers, she crafts narratives that resonate deeply and linger long after the last word is read.

Born with a creative spirit, Sally honed her writing skills from a young age, cultivating a unique voice that blends emotion, wit, and social insight. Her work spans a wide spectrum, from poignant short stories that tug at the heartstrings to thought-provoking essays that challenge conventional thinking.

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