
Sheriff in Ohio Warns Imminent Terror Attack by People Already Inside America, Orders Troopers To Carry AR-15s

Source: Sheriff Jones

There is a blaring alarm about impending terrorist attacks on America. The country’s defense forces are now encouraged to fortify their territories. The alleged group, assumed to be immigrants, are described by Ohio’s Butler Sheriff as the “red flags” willing to cause this domestic nuisance.

Last week, Richard Jones, Ohio’s Bulter Sheriff, had this briefing at the National Sheriff’s Association Conference in Washington, D.C. The critical take-home, according to the FBI director, is that there is a substantial threat level in the U.S.

A False Alarm?

With the FBI hinting at this attack, it’s something not to joke around. The Bureau has warned all Sheriffs nationwide to take necessary steps in this regard. Hence, it’s best to heed the prescribed protocols.

Source: Shae Combs

According to Jones, it’s not about whether or not terrorists will attack. It’s simply who they are. Moreover, he further described them as people who have come to the country for this vile purpose.

Purported Modes Of Attack

From the generated intel, the anticipated assaults are more compounding than the days of 9-11. There is a list of projected disruptions, interceptions, and infiltrations. Perhaps the more worrisome part is that these attacks will involve different targeted locations in the country.

Source: Pixabay/StefanCoders

Jones said he was told that one of the lines of attack will be via cyber attacks. Included are also metro derailment, stultifying power grids, and different units of armed criminals distributed across strategic sites.

The Gripping Reveal

If you’ve not been following the news, this might come as a shock. Whether or not these attacks will happen isn’t the question for now. As a fact, some of these assaults have happened already.

Source: Albuquerque Journal/Jon Austria

Of all the cyber breaches that occurred previously, BCSOs in 2020 are one to reckon with. The criminals infiltrated numerous systems, stifling the dispatch center. From this reveal, the FBI isn’t taking any chances as it’s best to be steps ahead.

Cyber Attack Culprits

The recognized perpetrators are the Chinese, Iranians, and Russians. According to the Sheriff, his office gets numerous breaching alerts daily. The assumption now is that it’s the same way nationwide.

Source: deepbluehorizon

Jones attested to the fact that they got hacked two years ago by the Russians. But lately, his office gets about five attack attempts per day by the Chinese. Meanwhile, the Iranians’ snare is also one to watch out for.

A Major Cause Of Worry

You’ll be surprised by the insane obsession of these so-called cyber criminals with America. From present evidence, it’s obvious that they’re willing to go to several lengths to mete out attacks on the country.

Source: Flickr/heike717

The main source of concern to security operatives is the frequency of assaults. When it comes to those working on cyber attacks and prevention, America trails behind the Chinese. The manpower is a worrying disproportionate 50:1.

Cross-Border Enemies

Ohio’s Butler Sheriff spurred urgency during his briefing by reiterating that the time to act is now. The deal of the terrorists is to cause chaos in the country, he said.

Source: Wikimedia/U.S. Customs and Border Protection

The FBI has identified these alleged perpetrators as people crossing the country’s border. They simply came into the country bearing in mind this sole purpose. From what is happening, the operatives attest that this is the craziest spiral of attack they’ve ever seen.

A Possible Election Conspiracy

Perhaps here is the most bothersome vulnerability recognized by the FBI. The U.S. national election is imminent. So also are the local elections. Thousands of people have been said to be working assiduously to disrupt the civic processes.

Source: Flickr/Erica Lowenkron

The next step of action, according to the Bureau, is to get local counties involved. On the state level, security operatives have been informed to have the electoral people involved. Jones said that these criminals aim to cause Americans to lose faith in their democracy.

Perceived Targets

When it comes to terrorist threats, it’s normal to assume the targets to be the nation’s big cities. Contrary to what you might think, small cities are also as prone to these atrocious hits.

Source: Flickr/Phillycop

The FBI has directed its defense units and others across the country to be vigilant. Rural areas are also mapped out for security fortification. These are places where people often feel safe; hence, it’s essential to preserve the tranquil atmosphere.

The Sprawling Enemies

Ohio’s Butler Sheriff, in his statement, said that the FBI made it clear that terrorists are already in the country. It’s just a matter of time before they start launching their assaults. From their intel, there are about 160 countries that have the U.S. on their radar of enemies.

Source: AP/David Kohl

In his words, he won’t be fooled to assume the attack won’t happen. Not with the comprehensive details he got from the National Sheriffs’ Association Conference. The national government, at this point, can’t oversee all. In the end, it all comes down to the local security.

When Disaster Strikes: Prepare, Act, Survive

In the face of these new threats, it’s imperative to swing into action. Jones is refining his department’s training and equipping his units. Yet, the big change is still the forthcoming training class planned for the public in May.


This class tagged, “When Disaster Strikes: Prepare, Act, Survive,” is the first step in the right direction for the Sheriff. The course is designed to teach community members basic principles on how to prepare and take preservation actions when disaster strikes.

Jones’s Request On Behalf Of The State

Ohio’s Butler Sheriff demands the power for the state to be able to deport its convicted felons. Immigrants facing criminal charges might soon not have a second chance in the state.

Source: Flickr/Charles Edward Miller

Moreover, Jones’ request includes the need for more task forces stationed at the state’s northern border. More agents have moved southward, leaving the northern landmark unprotected. It’s about time to bring in more hands.

Ohio’s Cyber Fortification Request

Following the numerous attempts at security breaches in the Sherif’s Department, it’s obvious that there is more work to do. Also, it’s not out of place to assume that other security agencies within the state are experiencing similar attacks.

Source: Adobe Stock

Jones’s overall request is capped by the need to render the state’s cyberspace formidable to attacks. This challenge can be easily averted by appointing a department to oversee the state’s cybersecurity affairs.

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Mary Scrantin

Written by Mary Scrantin

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