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TikTok Faces Potential Ban in the US Following Biden’s New Legislation

Source: Flickr/The White House

President Joe Biden made headlines by signing a bill into law on Wednesday that provides billions of dollars of additional U.S. aid to Ukraine for the country’s war with Russia. Biden also signed a separate bill connected to legislation that could possibly ban the usage of TikTok throughout the United States.

U.S. Senate Followed House By Passing $61 Billion Bill On Tuesday

The U.S. Senate followed the House earlier this week when it passed a sweeping bill that would provide $61 billion in aid to Ukraine. This legislation has reportedly suffered quite a few major setbacks in Russia’s war on the country.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Supporters blame the extensive delay on the inability to previously secure funding from the United States.

Biden: “We Stand Resolutely For Democracy And Freedom’

President Biden issued a statement shortly after the Senate vote for the bills went through on Tuesday. He confirmed that Congress passed his legislation “to strengthen our national security.”

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

He added that the passed legislation will “send a message to the world about the power of American leadership.” He further expressed that “we stand resolutely for democracy and freedom, and against tyranny and oppression.”

President Biden, House Speaker Mike Johnson Discussed Ukraine in February

President Biden reportedly had an intense discussion with House Speaker Mike Johnson in February about Ukraine. In addition, Biden pled with Republicans to support the package.

Source: Wikimedia/Office of Speaker Mike Johnson

When they did not offer their support, Biden did not hesitate to scold them for holding back. Johnson is currently facing calls from certain right-leaning Republicans to resign or face the possibility of being removed from his position.

European Affairs Expert: ‘The Delay Created Cracks’ In Credibility Of U.S. Leadership

An expert on European affairs named Heather Conley went on record with her response to the passing of this new legislation. She acknowledged that it does send “a strong message of American leadership at a time of enormous instability.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons

However, she also indicated that “the delay created cracks” in the credibility of American leadership. Conley, who also serves as the president of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, further expressed that the “credibility will continue to be under close scrutiny” in the months leading up to the election.

Biden Views Restoring U.S. Credibility On Global Stage As Major Victory

Biden has previously argued that he assisted with the restoration of the nation’s credibility on a global stage after the turbulent four-year Oval Office term served by former U.S. President Trump. He considered the opportunity to strengthen the NATO alliance as a major political victory for his administration.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

In addition, he argued that this action provided a united front directly against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump Wanted An ‘America First’ Policy, Threatened To Abandon NATO Allies

Former President Donald Trump emphasized the need for an “America First” policy during his term. He also threatened to abandon NATO allies, forcing them to essentially fend for themselves, if they did not increase defense spending.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The “America First” policy was described as playing an integral role in the perceived increase of international isolation of the United States throughout the late 2010s. There were even media critics and outlets that labeled the policy as “America Alone” instead.

Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan: ‘Our Tradition’ Is ‘Peace Through Strength’

Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan referenced the matter during a Senate speech. He essentially made it clear that the Republicans that showed their support for the package focused on supporting the values of the party – not necessarily supporting Biden.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Sullivan stated that “our tradition” is “peace through strength.” He addressed his “Republican colleagues and friends in the Senate” when he noted that “our tradition is much more serious” and “prouder.”

New Legislation Will Ban TikTok Usage In U.S. If App Owner Fails To Divest App

President Biden also signed a separate bill that was tied to the legislation regarding the popular short video application TikTok. The bill will potentially ban TikTok from being used in the United States if the owner of the application does not meet the demands outlined within the bill.

Source: Flickr/Solen Feyissa

ByteDance, the Chinese tech firm that owns TikTok, must divest the popular application within the next 9-12 months. The app is reportedly popular with left-leaning youths throughout the country – which is a group that plays a crucial role in Biden’s potential victory at the upcoming election.

‘Congress Is Not Acting To Punish ByteDance, TikTok, Or Any Other Individual Company’

Senate Commerce Committee Chairwoman Maria Cantwell opened up about the actions taken regarding the popular mobile app. She stated that “Congress is not acting to punish ByteDance, TikTok or any other individual company.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons

On the contrary, according to Cantwell, “Congress is acting to prevent foreign adversaries from conducting espionage, surveillance” and “maligned operations.” She added that they are acting to prevent “vulnerable Americans, our servicemen and women, and our U.S. government personnel” from being harmed.

Opponents Of TikTok Bill Claimed Chinese Government Has Other Ways To Get Data

Opponents of the TikTok ban bill reportedly claimed that the Chinese government could get information on Americans of all ages in other ways with ease. For instance, they could invest in the services of commercial data brokers that collect and traffic personal information.

Source: Pixabay

The foreign aid package included provisions within it that make it illegal for data brokers to rent or sell “personally identifiable sensitive data.” Some of the countries listed as targets were China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran along with entities that exist within those countries.

ACLU Claims Banning TikTok Would ‘Set An Alarming Global Precedent’

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) made it clear that they do not support the TikTok ban bill. The organization reportedly believes that banning or even requiring the divestiture of the mobile application would “set an alarming global precedent for excessive government control over social media platforms.”

Source: Wikimedia/Tim Evanson

The ACLU believes that if the United States bans a foreign-owned social media platform, “that will invite copycat measures by other countries.”

TikTok Told Staff Members They Could Try To Block Legislation In Court

TikTok claimed that it has not shared and will not share any U.S. data collected with the Chinese government. The company reportedly informed its employees that it would not hesitate to go to court to attempt to block the new legislation.

Source: Pixabay

According to an email sent to TikTok employees, the company told them that “this is the beginning” and “not the end of this long process.”

Former President Trump Bid To Block TikTok In 2020, Was Blocked By The Courts

Former U.S. President Donald Trump made it clear that he wanted to block Chinese-owned apps including TikTok and WeChat when he was still in office back in 2020. However, his attempt was blocked by the courts.

Source: Wikimedia/Matti Blume

The new legislation will likely provide the Biden administration with a more fortified legal footing to ban TikTok if ByteDance refuses or fails to divest the app.

Apple, Google App Stores Would Not Be Able To Offer TikTok, Other Apps

If ByteDance fails to divest TikTok, multiple reports confirm that Apple and Google app stores would no longer be able to offer or support TikTok. In addition, they would not be able to offer web hosting services to applications controlled by ByteDance.

Source: Pixabay/Pexels

According to Reuters, this ban would include the TikTok website as well. The bill would also empower the White House to ban or force the sale of other applications and platforms owned by foreign countries as well. ByteDance reportedly has 270 days to divest TikTok after the bill is signed into law.

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Sally Reed

Written by Sally Reed

Sally, a dynamic and viral writer, has taken the literary world by storm with her exceptional storytelling prowess. With an uncanny ability to tap into the collective consciousness of her readers, she crafts narratives that resonate deeply and linger long after the last word is read.

Born with a creative spirit, Sally honed her writing skills from a young age, cultivating a unique voice that blends emotion, wit, and social insight. Her work spans a wide spectrum, from poignant short stories that tug at the heartstrings to thought-provoking essays that challenge conventional thinking.

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