
If Texas Secedes, Will Texans Still Receive Social Security Checks? Facebook Moms Want To Know

Source: Pexels/Tracy Le Blanc / Publination

Secession talk is nothing new to Texas, and a potential secession from the US is unlikely, but here we are – wondering what might happen if/when that day comes. The conversation has been heating up for the past six months thanks to a dispute between Gov. Greg Abbott and the federal government. His recent remarks have people questioning – what if?

TX Resident Posts Viral Question In Facebook Group

In a private Facebook group, one Texas mother is wondering what would happen to her Social Security payments if her state were to gain independence from the US. “If we secede, do we still get our Social Security monthly checks?” she wrote in the ‘Texas Patriots for Secession’ group.

Source: InCommunicado from Getty Images Signature via Canva

The post only received around 60 reactions and 130 comments, but then the rest of social media got ahold of it. While a lot of people found humor in the thought, she does ask a valid question – would Texas receive federal funding from the US? And if so, how much?

Texas Needs Federal Funding, But Would They Get It?

In 2020, Texas received more than $68 billion from the federal government – the third-highest in the nation. It accounted for nearly 20% of the state’s revenue that year, which (to be fair) isn’t that bad compared to other states – such as Vermont, which came in at 35.8%.

Source: gguy44 from Getty Images Pro via Canva

As part of the American Rescue Plan Act in 2021, Texas received a whopping $40 billion from the federal government. Considering how much money they receive from the government, one has to wonder if a secession would even be possible – financially, at the very least. Of course, that might be the least of their worries.

How Did ‘TEXIT’ Get In This Position?

Believe it or not, the history of secession in Texas dates back to 1836 with the Texas Revolution. It was during this uprising that Texas declared its independence from Mexico – just weeks after more than 180 Texians and Tejanos were killed in the infamous Battle of the Alamo.

Source: Wikimedia/Hohum

In Feb. 1861, Texas declared its secession from the US and joined the Confederate States a month later. By April, the American Civil War was in full bloom, and Texas was right in the middle of it – primarily being used as a supplier for the Confederate Army.

Former Gov. Rick Perry Entertains The Thought Of Secession

Fast forward nearly 150 years, and talk of succession started heating up again. This time, it was former Texas Gov. Rick Perry entertaining the idea when a reporter brought it up after a tea party event in 2009. He began his response by calling Texas a ‘unique place.’

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

“When we came in the union in 1845, one of the issues was that we would be able to leave if we decided to do that,” he said. “We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that?”

Secession Talk Continues In 2021 and 2022

In 2021, State Rep. Kyle Biedermann (R-Fredericksburg) tried (and failed) to pass a bill allowing Texas to secede and achieve independence. About one year later, the Texas State Republican Convention included a plank in their platform calling for a vote on whether Texas should secede or not.

Source: Wikimedia/JoeBach44

The Texas State Republican Convention accused the federal government of ‘impair[ing] our right of local self-government’ and claimed that Texas ‘retains the right to secede from the United States.’ They called on the Texas Legislature to ‘pass a referendum consistent thereto.’

Rep. Bryan Slaton Files Resolution For Secession Vote

In March 2023, State Rep. Bryan Slaton (R-Greenville) – who has since been expelled – filed a bill (the Texas Independence Referendum Act) that would allow Texans to vote on ‘whether or not the State should investigate the possibility of Texas independence.’ He wanted the referendum placed on the 2024 election ballot.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

“If this passes in the general election, a committee would be formed among elected officials to see what would Texas do for trade,” Slaton said at the time. “What would Texas do for defense, education, healthcare, and just go down the list and answer questions about what we would have to do to take care of our society.”

Gov. Abbott’s Current Battle With The Federal Government

That brings us to the past six months or so. It started heating up in January when the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could remove the controversial razor wire along the Texas-Mexico border. Gov. Greg Abbott took exception and started ordering razor wire anyways.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

Abbott argued that ‘federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the states.’ It’s the same rhetoric and language used in 1861 when TX joined the Confederacy. With Abbott continuing his efforts to place razor wire, many are calling on him to consider secession.

Can Texas Secede From The United States?

With it being an election year, the sudden re-emergence of secession talk in Texas is becoming a major talking point – a selling point, if you will. Nikki Haley, who’s currently running against Donald Trump in the Republican Primary, was asked if Texas could secede if they wanted to.

Source: Oleksii Liskonih from Getty Images Pro via Canva

“If that whole state says, ‘We don’t want to be part of America anymore,’ I mean, that’s their decision to make,” Haley said – later adding: “Let’s talk about what’s reality. Texas isn’t going to secede.” In a different interview, she walked back that comment and clarified that the Constitution ‘doesn’t allow for that.’

‘Texas v. White’ Made Secession Illegal In 1869

If you’re waiting for a secession to happen, think again – it’s actually illegal, and it’s written in the United States Constitution. This was challenged in 1869 when Texas filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court – in hopes of recovering unsold bonds from 20 years prior.

Source: sasirin pamai’s Images via Canva

The federal government ruled that the original sale of the bonds was invalid because Texas never truly seceded from the US in 1861 – because the Constitution barred states from seceding. Even if Texas wanted to secede from the US, the Constitution wouldn’t allow it.

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Ryan Handson

Written by Ryan Handson

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