
Teacher’s List of 32 Banned Classroom Phrases Goes Viral

Source: Freepik

A viral firestorm recently erupted after a teacher shared her explicitly banned list of 32 popular slang terms that students are completely forbidden from using in her classroom. Casually speaking, any of these predominantly Black and Gen Z-related idioms now warrant mandatory handwritten essays explaining students’ offensive conduct.

From universally-used phrases like “bruh” and “cap” to obscure cultural lingo like “on hood” and “periodt,” this white instructor aims to permit only elevated vocabulary she deems suitably academic. However, with no compromise allowed, immense student backlash now accuses her methods of enabling racial aggression, suppressing free speech, and damaging classroom integrity through tyrannical control.

Widespread Casual and Cultural Phrases Now Forbidden

This teacher has instituted intense bans on 32 popular slang and vernacular phrases used by today’s youth. From ubiquitous terms like “bruh” and “cap” to obscure regional sayings like “SOB” (standing on business) and “gyat,” all casual expressions tied to Gen Z and minority cultures now risk severe consequences in her class.

Source: Wikimedia

She demands exclusive use of formal English with the highest linguistic standards. Reactions are staunchly polarized between those praising this uncompromising push and those feeling it inappropriately targets and erases vibrant youth culture and diversity.

Punitive Essays Mandatory for All Violators

Per this teacher’s uncompromising rules, any student bold enough to utter even one banned phrase will face stringent consequences. All violations result in mandatory handwritten essays in which students must explain their offensive word choices and why they failed to use scholarly language when informal options were strictly forbidden.

Source: Wikimedia

While extreme supporters feel these compulsory essays could make students reflect carefully before repeating slang offenses, most opponents contend such rigid requirements will overwhelm students and completely stifle self-expression. Flames only rise higher on both ends.

The Teacher Strips All Casual Interactions

This strict instructor has now prohibited students from engaging in any conversational interactions she deems too casual, informal, or rooted in local culture-even widely used greetings like “What’s up gang?” and regional terms of endearment like “twin.” Her classroom is to be lifeless outside of formal studies.

Source: Wikimedia

Supporters applaud the uncompromising upholding of “proper English” above all cultural relevance. However, critics condemn stripping students of natural social connections, arguing relationally and culturally responsive classrooms better support marginalized groups. The fiery disputes roll on.

Teacher Faces Claims of Racial and Cultural Insensitivity

The majority of this teacher’s 32 banned phrases relate to modern Black vernacular and culture, including terms like “periodt,” rap references, and idioms like “on hood” linked to African-American communities. As a white instructor with little diversity experience, she now faces allegations that these bans reveal her own racial and cultural insensitivities.

Source: Wikimedia

Some adamantly oppose her bans as suppressing ethnic identities in academia. However, rigid supporters contend culture should not restrict behavioral expectations in classrooms. Accusations of privilege and racism now further inflame the dramatic debate.

Teacher Plans to Continually Target Teen Slang

The teacher who debuted this controversial banned word list remains unapologetic. She vehemently defends her right to continue altering it as she pleases, calling it an “ever-changing” document. As new generational slang enters students’ vocabularies, she promises more modern terms will make the cut.

Source: Wikimedia

This dictatorial stance leaves many questioning whether formal attempts to fully censor popular teen slang can ever reasonably keep up with youth language trends. So far, the results seem mixed at best.

Viral Attention Inflames Debate

After this teacher shared her banned slang list online, she faced significant student pushback against her quest to prioritize scholarly language above all. Now, countless teens from schools nationwide know about her controversial demands thanks to viral social shares.

Source: Wikimedia

This widespread attention has bolstered opinions from students, parents, linguists, civil rights groups, and more choosing sides about regulating slang and AAVE in today’s classrooms. Lines are being drawn amidst the inflamed debates.

Examining Nuances Around Classroom Slang

Linguistics experts now debate the nuances around informal student slang in academic settings. Is all slang intrinsically damaging to education and eloquence? Or could some casual phrases still support student bonding and make lessons more relatable?

Source: Flickr/Medill DC

The contexts and impacts likely depend on factors like the specific slang used, the classroom community, and individual student backgrounds. With reasonable interpretations differing greatly, this remains a complex issue.

Debating Limits on Free Speech in Academia

Public schools legally can restrict violent or vulgar student language. However, groups like the ACLU now question if this teacher’s list excessively suppresses free speech by banning innocuous cultural expressions down to saying “What’s up gang?”

Source: Adobe Stock

While schools theoretically retain rights to filter disruptive behavior, complex sociopolitical factors around identity, equity, and inclusion make practical applications far more nuanced. With valid legal and ethical arguments on multiple sides, reasonable people disagree on appropriate limits.

Backlash Fuels Further Use of Banned Phrases

Psychology studies suggest that perceived oppression often increases rebellion, especially among marginalized youth. Here, predictable backlash is emerging against the teacher’s strict rules, with some students feeling so irritated by the bans that they now deliberately use more slang in her class.

Source: Wikimedia

In today’s racially and politically charged school climates, ultra-strict policies require nuance around disadvantaged groups. Without proper cultural competency training, enforcement can inadvertently damage the trust and motivation of certain students.

Learning Hampered by Excessive Restrictions

Amidst backlash against this teacher’s bans, some experts say that overly restricting classroom language risks impairing educational efficacy for teens. Strict policies can minimize organic student discussions, thinking creativity is dangerous, or that administrative control matters most.

Source: Flickr/Steven Yeh

While this teacher’s aim to motivate more eloquently and elevate student vocabulary has merit in theory, the real-world classroom complexities make applications far more nuanced. As advocacy groups like the ACLU continue challenging perceived “language policing” that enables the oppression of marginalized youth, questions swirl around balancing standards with cultural awareness and identity protection. With American schools increasingly under fire for perpetuating systemic inequities, incidents like viral language bans poured gasoline on already raging debates. Polarized arguments continue from all sides – accusations of ignorance and racism; counter-claims of slipping behavioral standards; and laments of limiting student joy and expression.

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Matty Jacobson

Written by Matty Jacobson

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