
Jan. 6th Man Convicted For Assaulting Officers Receives Prison Sentence

Source: Political Research

A Kentucky man charged for storming the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 and pepper spraying law enforcement officers received a prison sentence on Monday. Multiple reports confirm that the 23-year-old man was sentenced to serve over two years in prison.

Capitol Rioter Sentenced To Prison, Community Service, and Restitution

Israel James Easterday was reportedly sentenced to serve 30 months (2.5 years) in prison. He must also serve 500 hours of community service.

Source: Flickr/Bill Bryan

In addition to his prison sentence and community service requirement, Easterday was also ordered to pay restitution. According to a release published by the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, Easterday must pay $2,000 in restitution.

Easterday Was Convicted Of Disorderly Conduct, Two Other Misdemeanors

Easterday was also convicted of three separate misdemeanor offenses. For instance, he was convicted of disorderly conduct inside of a Capitol building.

Source: Pixabay/Sergei Tokmakov

He was also found guilty of committing an “act of physical violence” on Capitol grounds in addition to parading, demonstrating or picketing within a Capitol building.

Capitol Rioter Was ‘Upset About What He Perceived As Government Corruption’

A release published online by the US Attorney’s Office revealed pertinent details about the case. For instance, according to the release, Easterday was “upset about what he perceived as government corruption related to the 2020 presidential election.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore and Shealah Craighead

Easterday’s feelings compelled him to travel to Washington, DC from Kentucky. He later joined the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol building.

Easterday Wore ‘I Heart Trump’ Beanie, Carried Confederate Battle Flag

Easterday reportedly stormed the east side of the Capitol building. He wore a black beanie with a logo that read “I [Heart] Trump.”

Source: Flickr/Anthony Crider

According to the release, Easterday also carried a Confederate battle flag during the riot. Easterday was reportedly among the mob located outside of the East Rotunda doors at approximately 2:30pm.

Rioters Used Flagpole, Other Items To Smash Windows Of Capitol Building Doors

The rioters used a flagpole and other items to “smash the windows of those doors” as they “persistently tried to enter the building,” according to the release. A small group of U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) officers were present with their backs placed against the wall as they “stood in the rioters’ way.”

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Multiple reports confirm that Easterday was among the mob of rioters that tried to break their way through the East Rotunda doors.

Easterday Sprayed USCP Officer With Pepper Spray ‘At Point-Blank Range’

Easterday reportedly “blasted” one of the USCP officers in the face “with pepper spray at point-blank range.” By doing so, he injured and temporarily incapacitated the officer, according to the release.

Source: Wikimedia/Matti Blume

The report further confirms that the officer “collapsed and temporarily lost consciousness” a few minutes after the attack. His collapse allowed another rioter to approach him and steal his baton.

USCP Officer Regained Consciousness After Attack, But His ‘Vision Was Compromised’

The USCP officer that Easterday attacked with pepper spray at point-blank range did reportedly regain consciousness. However, according to the release, “his vision was compromised for hours afterward.”

Source: Pixabay

Later during the riot, Easterday was handed an additional can of pepper spray. He indiscriminately sprayed a separate small group of officers with it while “smiling” and hit at least one of them in the face.

Easterday Pulled Other Rioters Into The Building, Climbed Gallery Stairs

After the rioters successfully breached the East Rotunda doors, Easterday illegally entered the Capitol building and reportedly pulled other rioters into the building along with him. He then climbed the Gallery Stairs that led to the third floor of the Capitol building.

Source: Wikimedia/Horatio Stone

Easterday reportedly roamed after the third floor for a while. He then returned to the East Rotunda doors and later exited the building at approximately 2:51pm.

FBI Agents Identified Easterday Carrying Confederate Flag In YouTube Video

Federal investors from the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force identified Easterday in a YouTube video that showed him carrying a Confederate flag. Investigators also wrote that he sprayed a Capitol police officer with mace.

Source: Pixabay/StockSnap

The Washington FBI office reached out to the Bowling Green, Kentucky office in April of 2022 to investigate Easterday further. They tracked him down using the location data pulled from his Google account information in addition to pictures posted online.

FBI Offices Identified Easterday As ‘BOLO #177” In Seeking Information Photos

The case was reportedly investigated by the FBI field offices in Louisville and Washington. The offices identified Israel Easterday as “BOLO # 177” on its seeking information photos.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

“BOLO” means “Be On the Lookout.” The U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department reportedly offered “significant assistance” to the investigators.

Over 1,380 Individuals Have Been Charged For Crimes Related To U.S. Capitol Breach

According to the release, over 1,380 individuals have been charged for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol within the 39 months that have passed since the day of the riots. This includes close to 500 people that were charged with the felony of assaulting or impeding law enforcement.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The government is still investigating that losses that results from the historic breach. According to the Department of Justice, the approximate losses suffered as a result of the siege exceeded $2,881,360 as of October 14, 2022.

Over 100 Police Officers Were Assaulted During January 6th Attack At The Capitol

According to the Department of Justice, approximately 140 police officers were assaulted during the breach and riots at the U.S. Capitol. This includes 60 officers from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Source: Wikimedia/SSG Teddy Wade

The remaining 80 officers were from the US Capitol Police. Over 490 defendants were charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers on the day of the attack.

Over 790 People Have Pled Guilty To Various Federal Charges Related To Attack

The Department of Justice confirms that approximately 791 individuals have pled guilty to various federal charges stemming from the attack at the U.S. Capitol. Many of those charged have either faced or will face incarceration at their respective sentencings.

Source: Pixabay/ohioduidefense

According to the report, 547 of those 790 have pled guilty to misdemeanors. The rest have pled guilty to felonies.

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Sally Reed

Written by Sally Reed

Sally, a dynamic and viral writer, has taken the literary world by storm with her exceptional storytelling prowess. With an uncanny ability to tap into the collective consciousness of her readers, she crafts narratives that resonate deeply and linger long after the last word is read.

Born with a creative spirit, Sally honed her writing skills from a young age, cultivating a unique voice that blends emotion, wit, and social insight. Her work spans a wide spectrum, from poignant short stories that tug at the heartstrings to thought-provoking essays that challenge conventional thinking.

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