A quaternary marriage is definitely one of a kind. Considering that there are only 300 known quaternary marriages in history. Of course, this is a more amusing and captivating fairytale, twin brothers and twin sisters living under one roof and both having sons barely months apart.
Meet Brian, Brittany, Jeremy and Josh – Yes They Also Have Matching First Letters!
Here is the story of Brian and Brittany Dean, identical twin sisters who are married to identical twin brothers, Jeremy and Josh Salyer.

One thing you’ll quickly realize about their lives is that there are a lot of twos involved in it. We know it sounds crazy, but keep reading to know more about these unusual twin couples.
Twinsburg, Ohio: Where It All Began
Jeremy and Josh met Briana and Brittany at the largest festival of twins and multiples in the whole world back in 2017. The festival took place in Twinsburg, and the two pairs quickly found each other interesting enough to start dating. A year after their epic encounter, they decided they were ready to tie the knot.

In the spirit of doubling things up, the Salyers brothers decided to make a double proposal to the Deane sisters. Memorably, the proposal was done on the second day of the second month of 2018 at the Twin Lakes State Park in Virginia. And as you correctly guessed, the twin sisters wasted no time saying yes to their significant others.
Twice Upon A Time
What is more beautiful than completing a love story at the place where it all started? Jeremy and Josh decided to marry the twin sisters in the city where they first met. During the Twins Day Festival in 2018, they held their joint intimate ceremony, which they tagged, Twice Upon A Time.

Each twin wore similar outfits on their big day. Unsurprisingly, there were many twin guests to grace the occasion. You definitely cannot expect anything less when your wedding happens during the event that hosts the world’s largest gathering of twins. The twin couples went on to share the same house in Bedford County, Virginia.
Their Sons Are Genetically Siblings!
The Deane sisters seem to have a knack for doing things together. Alongside living in the same home, they both gave birth to boys in 2021, three months apart. Brittany first had Jett Salyer, while Briana gave birth to Jax Salyer. Since they were born from identical twin parents, they are quaternary twins. Meaning? Their genes will naturally be 100% similar because both of their parents share 100% genes.

Let’s temporarily forget that the law might not exactly agree with us because they are first cousins according to the books, but it’s the truth. DNA tests will strikingly reveal their genes as those of full siblings. Moreso (in a loose sense), if doctors wanted to determine the biological parents of the boys based on DNA alone, they’d have a hard time figuring it out.
Extreme Twins Or Not?
Although it is not out of place for siblings, particularly twins to have a tight relationship. Especially when you consider that they shared the same womb. However, Briana and Brittany’s bond can almost be described as well…. a little extreme. You don’t have to take our word for it anyway, we’ll simply explain and let you be the judge of that.

Once in an interview alongside Jeremy, Josh, and Briana, Brittany explained that it was difficult to be away from her twin even for an hour! The twin brothers are also not left out as the quartet does literally everything together. They had their honeymoon together, and date nights have always been a table reservation for four.
Their Attempt On A Solo Date
The Deane twins and Salyer twins decided to go out of their comfort zone one day by having their first sole couple date ever. Actually, it was an attempt to rekindle their romance while taking care of the little Salyer. Britney and Josh went out for their date night. On the other hand, Jeremy and Briana had a stay-at-home solo date to keep an eye on baby Jett.

In simple words, the date turned out to be strange and awkward. Brittany felt a tad insecure because Briana wasn’t around. Eventually, they both got on a video call with their other twin, telling them how much they missed each other. The date was an eye-opener on how weird their relationship felt whenever the four of them weren’t together.
You Can Stay Up-to-date On Their Lives
Jeremy, Josh, Brittany, and Briana are quite popular on Instagram, with over 275,000 followers. As you probably guessed correctly again, it’s a joint account. You can catch a glimpse of their twin universe whenever they make new uploads. The most sensational people in the Salyer family are the little bundles of joy. Their followers find it fascinating to watch Jett and Jax grow up together.

The Deane sisters and their twin husbands also share insights on the ups and downs of sharing the same house. From their double fairytale wedding to their quaternary twins, you’d agree that this unusual family has quite an interesting life to keep up with.
Together Forever
The greatest fear of the Salyers is losing anyone in the group, and it is one of the most difficult conversations for them to have. As such, they try to avoid the possibility or reduce the likelihood of any heart-wrenching occurrence. They travel together, eat together, and exercise together to have a similar lifespan. We hope that works out for them.

Nonetheless, they have a plan to still be together whenever the inevitable happens. If anyone from the quartet passes on, that person has to come back to be with the other three so they can be together forever. Ultimately, the Deane sisters believe that the twin chips have no earthly bounds, as such, they’ll last forever.
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