
87-Year-Old Grandfather Graduates Alongside Granddaughter in a Near-Miss Miracle

Source: Twitter @UTSA / Instagram @MelanieSalazar

Graduation is a memorable time of life, no matter when it happens. Graduations become even more special when both Melanie (23) and Rene (87) graduate at the same time!

Dedication And Sacrifice

For Rene Neira the odds were even more stacked against his favor due to his advanced age.

Source: Melanie Salazar/Instagram

Rene refused to let a little thing like age stand in the way of his lifelong goal.

A Family Man

As a young man in the 1950’s, one of Rene’s life ambitions was to earn a college degree. However, like so many other young men before and after him, life had other plans. He met a girl, fell in love, got married, and had a family.

Source: Melanie Salazar/Instagram

While these achievements are admirable in their own right, family life took a front seat to his ambitions for an education. He was a socially responsible man who used his time to build a banking career that would support him and his family.

A Beginning in Activism 

By the time the 1960s came into swing, Rene had become a passionate social activist. Throughout that decade, he was passionate about urban and economic development. He was also interested in rallies and marches and activities with his local government.

Source: Melanie Salazar/Instagram

All of this engagement led to Rene’s interest in economics. He ended up going to college classes in the 80’s, the 90’s, the 2000’s, and then finally taking classes again in 2016. He started classes again at the same time that his granddaughter was also starting college for the first time.

A Journey Begins

After finishing high school in 2016, Melanie Salazar enrolled at Palo Alto College for an associate degree. She was overjoyed to learn that her 82 year old grandfather had also decided to join her on this journey to completing his own education the following year.

Source: Melanie Salazar/Instagram

Shortly after her grandfather decided that he was going to continue his education at such a late stage in his life, Melanie posted a picture of them together on social media. She proudly proclaimed that they were starting their college journey together. The post went viral, and suddenly Melanie and Rene were famous.

Making Time For One Another

Though Melanie and Rene were studying vastly different topics, it didn’t stop them from enjoying their college journey together. They found different ways to spend quality time together, even though they didn’t share any classes. One of these ways included eating lunch together in the cafeteria every day.

Source: Melanie Salazar/Instagram

Melanie also helped her elderly grandfather navigate the school’s online systems, which were difficult for him to understand. There were often times where they would end up in the library studying together. The time they spent created memories that simply cannot be replaced.

Remarkable Persistence 

The journey to getting his degree was not only fraught by the many decades that it took to get there, but also by health challenges. As a man getting on in years, there were many setbacks that Rene experienced in his journey to getting his degree.

Source: Melanie Salazar/Instagram

Rene struggled with health issues such as a stroke and hearing loss. There were also other difficulties such as periods of not having a car. It is truly stunning the amount of determination that Rene had regarding his degree. Even the pandemic starting and the challenges that came with online learning weren’t enough to deter him.

A Unique Perspective in the Modern Era

Melanie was by no means the only student that Rene inspired, though. Rene saw himself as merely a grandfather and student, but his fellow classmates were deeply inspired by his determination, so much so that it inspired them in their own studies.

Source: Twitter @UTSA

Even his professors came to rely on his presence. His wealth of knowledge gained through his years came to be an asset in lectures, especially if the professors had different opinions than him. Sharing his perspective on the past allowed Rene to grow closer to his professors and classmates, and created a delightful, collaborative environment for everyone involved.

An Unexpected Setback

Despite the wonderful environment that Rene created for himself and his classmates with his mere presence, the challenges that he endured during the course of his higher education did have some drawbacks. One of those drawbacks, unfortunately, was the fact that he didn’t earn enough credits to officially complete his degree.

Source: Twitter @UTSA

This didn’t deter Melanie and the rest of the family, though. They went to the college and spoke on Rene’s behalf, asking the university to honor him and all the hard work that he had invested in some way. They were successful. A week before graduation, Rene discovered that he was going to be honored with a degree of recognition.

Ultimately, Triumphant

The day of graduation, Rene was wheeled onto the stage by Melanie to receive his degree. By this point, he was weak, terminally ill, and in hospice care, but the moment where Melanie and Rene were able to receive their degrees together is one to remember.

Source: Melanie Salazar/Instagram

The crowd erupted into cheers the moment that Rene was awarded his degree. The paper was a physical testament to his seven decades of pursuing higher education. Melanie said she was so overwhelmed with pride and emotion that the only thing that she could hear was silence.

A Joint Victory

In response to the crowd’s enthusiasm, Rene celebrated on stage by flashing the “bird’s up” symbol which is used at school sporting events to show spirit. Melanie leaned down and quietly celebrated with him that they both did it, they both completed their degrees.

Source: Melanie Salazar/Instagram

Rene was getting tired by that point and was a little confused, but the moment between he and Melanie was a special one. More than that, Melanie and the rest of the family are so thrilled for Rene for finally achieving his life’s ambition.

An Inspiration To Us All

Rene turned 88 not long after he walked the stage at graduation. Melanie couldn’t be prouder that at the end of it all, he completed his degree and has it to hold in his hands. An incredible finale to a long-awaited chapter.

Source: Melanie Salazar/Instagram

The story is truly a miraculous one, especially when considering the many decades that Rene’s story spanned. Grit and determination pushed Rene through to realizing his goal, and is truly an inspiration. If you really want something, all you need is a little love, support, and the guts to go out and get it done.

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James Cross

Written by James Cross

James Cross, an enigmatic writer from the historic city of Boston. James' writing delves into mysteries, true crime, and the unexplained, crafting compelling narratives that keep readers and viewers on the edge of their seats. His viral articles, blog posts, and documentary-style videos explore real-life enigmas and unsolved cases, inviting audiences to join the quest for answers. James' ability to turn real mysteries into shareable content has made him a sensation in the world of storytelling.

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